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Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 10:52 pm
by Horace
I saw a command like this used in another game - maybe even making it a class skill would be cool

but essentially when using the "defend" command you'd type "defend (direction)" and you'd get the echo of something like like You hunker down and make sure nothing get's past you.

Mechanically it'd cause a wall of sorts for anyone trying to sneak by you (bash working against it would be awesome!). Since hide/sneak is so crazy, I think this would be a nice counter balance, plus adding some tactical considerations in fights with only 1 or 2 exits available...and with this skill an organized group actually has an advantage over someone trying to get away. Much like with other skills, where you use it would need to be reasonable in comparison to how large the room is.

You could also code this into mobs that were meant to be very difficult encounters - effectively making them do or die battles. The Dragon quickly whips his tail around, blocking the entrance etc etc. Obviously if you coded it to a mob like that, there should be some kind of ooc or ic hint.

Anyway, i just remembered the command today - dunno if anyone has ever brought it up.


Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:17 pm
by Phata
Another good use of the 'defend' command I have seen in other games is the ability to defend other players and mobs.

And dependant on your skill in defend and the attackers skill you have a chance of stepping in front of the attacker and starting into combat with them instead of your charge getting hurt. Not sure if this is possible in any way aside from rescue but it'd be nice.

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:33 am
by Raona
I think this is a fine idea; it's come up before, under the title of "Guard":

I think that's basically the same, at any rate.

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 9:24 am
by Echet
On a very realted note, probably the same. Do you suppose it would be possible to code in a way that a character could defend another player, so that if their charge would get attacked by a mob or another player, it is the guardian who becomes attacked, instead?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 10:24 am
by Rawlys

I believe this suggestion is being discussed, along with many other suggestions, at this location:

But, on a personal note, I'm with you ;)