I believe this has been suggested before but after a search through old posts, I was unable to find the topic.
Sleight of Hand would be the attempt of moving hand held objects from one location to another without the notice of other individuals. This would be considered a steathly action and therefore, noticeable with a successful spot check.
The primary class that would actually benefit from this command would be the thief class. The subtle action of placing away a handfull of coins into your hidden pocket could be invaluable when in a crowded area.
On a failed spot check, you would recieve no echo. On a successful spot check, you would see an echo much like: You notice Rawlys stealthily move a handfull of coins into a hidden pocket / You notice Rawlys stealthily move a handfull of coins from a hidden pocket.
Sleight of Hand would be based off of Wis primarily and Dex secondly. Thoughts?
Sleight of hand
Sleight of hand
You may believe in luck and misfortune, but you are not governed by them - Learaso of Westgate
I think it would be great, too. But I would say it should be dex based, not wisdom based, primarily. In D&D, they don't have two stats that affect a skill, just one. That stat is dex. If anything, I think it should be dex, luck.
Spot should be wis, luck, IMO.
Spot should be wis, luck, IMO.
This land shall come to the God who knows the answer to War. -Ninety-Nine Nights