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[EVENT] The Feast of True Resurrection

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:42 pm
by Kregor
Dated: Thirday, 2nd day in the Month of Highsun (Elesias)

Hear ye, all brethren and servants of the True God:

The moon upon us is one of somber remembrance of the sacrifice made by our Lord, as well as those who have since sacrificed in the course of Duty. But in mourning, we also usher in the time of celebration, for in two moons thence, Lord Truth arose once again in greater glory.

Let it be known that there will be, in the Citadel of Torm's Coming in Tantras, a grand feast and celebration for the True Resurrection. All those who are joined of the brethren of Lord Torm, as well as those who seek him, and fellows of the Holy Triad, are invited to attend to pay tribute to Him in celebration and feasting.

I, as Holy Champion acting as tender of the Faith, in the continued absence of our beloved Vanguardier, shall also take this time to minister to the needs and commendations of the proven, as well as the needs of the unproven who seek our Lord.

Assembly shall be in the Refectory of the temple, for the fortnight beginning on the 14 of Marpenoth: ... in=0&sec=0

I wish for this year, that True Resurrection mark a year of revival and renewal for the Lord's Church. There have been many improvements made to the Citadel in anticipation of this season, and I intend these improvements to foster a solidifying of the hierarchy of the Church, and the faithfuls' station therein. A new master smith has been retained to craft the finest armours in Eastern Faerun for the faithful, and the renovated vestry shall provide badges of rank and station for the faithful.

Though I would rather it need nay be implored, I shall so there is nay a misunderstanding among the stuffier crusts of the temple, and they can consider themselves fair warned. All who attend should be prepared to attend a celebration, and nay a wake. As is custom of Torm's Holy Day, those of the True God are absolved of their oaths and duties for the duration of the celebration.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 12:23 am
by Kregor
Notice to bards of the realm

The celebration shall also welcome a bardic performance of music and inspiration from a bard who is sympathetic to the causes of the Triadic Faith. I am prepared to offer a stipend of ten platinum to such bard, in addition to whatever gratuity he or she might earn from the participants of the event.

Please send word in advance of your desire to attend this venue (OOC: PM me is fine), and I shall respond likewise with confirmation of your booking.

Yes, Sir Gandras, there will be music, and there might even be dancing.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 12:27 am
by Horace
I'm in - but I can't promise being all there after 1830 eastern time. I have a feeling the Gmen are gonna need all the support they can get.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:26 am
by Lysha
Sorry, but Lysha will not be able to attend. Wal-Mart will be sucking out my soul that day, but do enjoy yourselves. :)

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:29 am
by Hrosskell
Oh man. I should be available, but I might be a little late. I'll make a note of this, so Florian can be there.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:27 pm
by Rawlys
I'd love to have one of my characters join in this event, but due to RL events going on that day, it may not be a possibility. If I can't *shrug* I'll have to look into the Torm faith the old fashion way :P

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 12:26 am
by Kregor
Getting feedback on a few schedule conflicts, so I'd like to make it more conducive for more people to attend.

I could bump it forward a few hours, else, I could even delay it til the next day, if that would be better for more?

Let me know here, on the post, and we'll see what works best.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:26 am
by Kregor
A big thanks to those who have turned out for the celebration. We will be hosting it again come next month, about same time.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 2:03 pm
by Kregor
We will be having a repeat performance of the Feast of True Resurrection come the following time: ... in=0&sec=0

Hopefully, this is enough notice for some who couldn't make it before, to be able to make it this time.

Perhaps, this is also enough time to snag a bard for the occasion. The 10 plat offer for one's time still stands.

Again, all faithful, as well as others of the Triad, are welcome to participate in the celebration. Though I suppose the others of the Triad might not get to drink as much :) Escorts to the faithful are also welcome.

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 5:23 am
by Lysha
Lysha will be there!

Re: [EVENT] The Feast of True Resurrection

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 12:46 am
by Kregor
The time has come for planning the next Feast of True Resurrection. Again it shall be held in the Temple of Torm's Coming in Tantras on this day and time: ... in=0&sec=0

This coming feast will also herald announcements and celebration, of the naming of a new steward for one of Lord Duty's temples, as well as the ordination of our sister in faith, Melia Napier, as Tormtar in His service.

Re: [EVENT] The Feast of True Resurrection

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 3:26 am
by Harroghty
Not sure if I misread the time on this or not but I didn't see anyone tonight (24 May).

Re: [EVENT] The Feast of True Resurrection

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 3:58 am
by Kregor
Apologies for my no-show this evening. Realtors have a unique talent of making you clear out of your house for a two-hour window at the last minute, so my evening was pretty much hosed. Not that I would mind so much, if the house would sell... but I digress.

Harroghty, my apologies, though it looks like if no one else showed but you, it would have been a celebration of two. I wanted to give you a grand sendoff before your deployment with the new temple area and all being announced. But worry not, it will be completed and I'll give you the time to walk through it at your leisure as soon as I get VNUMS to post it.

With that said, I shall make a formal IC announcement of your stewardship of Eagle Peak Citadel closer to the point of it going up on the main game.

Re: [EVENT] The Feast of True Resurrection

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 1:29 pm
by Harroghty
I'm not worried and thank you for all of your help, with everything. Real life has a way of happening and it is always more important. Keep me posted. Good luck with the house.