You can try to mislead an opponent in melee combat (so that it can’t dodge your next attack effectively). If successful your target is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) for the next melee attack you make against it.
The chances of exit or failure of this skill are greatly influenced by charisma
[EDIT - Moved to Suggestions]
The chances of exit or failure of this skill are greatly influenced by charisma
[EDIT - Moved to Suggestions]
Curious, but how would charisna affect a skill like this?Vibius wrote:You can try to mislead an opponent in melee combat (so that it can’t dodge your next attack effectively). If successful your target is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) for the next melee attack you make against it.
The chances of exit or failure of this skill are greatly influenced by charisma
[EDIT - Moved to Suggestions]
Jysrak Armgo of House Barrison Del'Armgo -MENZO-
Jys/rak: Jys = Hard, steel, unyielding, /rak = Chaos, storm, tempest
Jys/rak: Jys = Hard, steel, unyielding, /rak = Chaos, storm, tempest
It's completely a charisma based skill. Skills affected by stats are like bonuses/penalties to those skills from what I understand of the way FK works (and the way it is in D&D). Feint would be nice, improved feint will be naaaaasty for rogues.
This land shall come to the God who knows the answer to War. -Ninety-Nine Nights
What you do is faking your natural body language acting like if you were to make a particular action or move to another position, if you are good at it and your opponent buys it, your opponent is caught off-guard denying his dexterity bonus to defence.
In order to seem convincing be it body language or speaking, charisma is the attribute that rules how good are you at it.
In order to make easier to code instead of decreasing the defence of a character only against the character that feinted, the character that feinted might get a bonus only to hit equal to his opponent dexterity bonus.
In order to seem convincing be it body language or speaking, charisma is the attribute that rules how good are you at it.
In order to make easier to code instead of decreasing the defence of a character only against the character that feinted, the character that feinted might get a bonus only to hit equal to his opponent dexterity bonus.
Should also enable sneak attack damage, too. Don't forget that consideration.
It would need to be an affect that is placed on the other player, I would think.. And the check for sneak-attack should see that and be automatic upon hit.
It would need to be an affect that is placed on the other player, I would think.. And the check for sneak-attack should see that and be automatic upon hit.
This land shall come to the God who knows the answer to War. -Ninety-Nine Nights
And the wisdom stat, too. Since the check is one player's Charisma score (the person attempting the feint) versus the other player's wisdom score (the person who must be perceptive enough to catch what the first player's trying to get away with).Kregor wrote:Also, CHA basing it gives one more plus for CHA not being a dump stat
This land shall come to the God who knows the answer to War. -Ninety-Nine Nights
I thought that that was the only reason why this skill was charisma based, to give some love to the stat.Kregor wrote:Also, CHA basing it gives one more plus for CHA not being a dump stat
Thanks for explaining it Vibius. I like the skill itself, I'd use it.
Jysrak Armgo of House Barrison Del'Armgo -MENZO-
Jys/rak: Jys = Hard, steel, unyielding, /rak = Chaos, storm, tempest
Jys/rak: Jys = Hard, steel, unyielding, /rak = Chaos, storm, tempest
It would also give way for, eventually, a new feat: Improved feint. Instead of giving up your action (your attack option portion of melee combat) you can use your move action (basically no affect to your attacks per round) to feint the opponent. In essence, a rogue could command his own sneak attack, if successful.
This land shall come to the God who knows the answer to War. -Ninety-Nine Nights