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Armoured Dresses and Rubbish Bins

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:26 pm
by Cyndrin
I have a couple of suggestions.

My main suggestion would be rubbbish bins.
My idea would be that they would be large containers that a character could use Put <object> Bin command with. And that would be emptied upon game code update. This would be a useful way for Lawful-Good characters to dispose of items without needing to set a fire. It seems rather strange finding people setting bonfires whilst in a building or Temple basement.

Another idea is to have Armoured Dresses. Such as an Ankle-length Chainmail Dress. These could be made available at various armourers and of various materials/quality.

Hopefully these are useful ideas, My appologies if they have already been suggested / implemented.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:30 am
by Akiren
Hey there,

Nice idea about the bins. It could really reduce spam in a room if someone decides to litter. Also, It might be good for lowbies who can take those items that others might not want and use them.

However, if the bins are open for "looting" per se before the game code update, who knows what might be thrown in there and whether the bins might be used for the illegal exchange of items between characters.

Instead of setting bon fires up within a building, I think there is a junk function that a good character can use? (Not sure.)

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:18 am
by Tavik
As it stands, if you want to exchange items between characters you can. If you get caught bad things happen. Adding in a rubbish bin isn't going to affect whether someone exchanges an item between characters or not. As far as legal 'looting' by other players, i don't see a problem with it. Might look a little funny, but if you didn't want it and someone else does...I don't see any harm in the other player taking it. This would be easy to make too. Unless you wanted it to have some sort of odd qualities I don't think it would take more than ten minutes to code.

As for armored dresses...That's a very weird concept to me, but I don't see any problem with it. Unless there are objections, I would say just ask someone who is building an appropriate area to throw one in a shop.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:41 am
by Oghma
Tavik wrote:As it stands, if you want to exchange items between characters you can. If you get caught bad things happen.
Just because you can, does not mean you should. One of the helpfiles and new player lessons outline this explicitly. You should not share items between
characters in the same account. Anything of that nature is abuse.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 9:34 pm
by Cyndrin
The bins should have no special qualities. They should just be bins.
I like the idea of new characters being able to take an item from the bins it would very useful for them.

The aroured dresses idea comes from a computer game Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance 2. the character Alleisha Faithammer (cleric of helm). Has chain and scale armour that resembles dresses. I will however try to find out more details and hopefully an image or two if I am abe to.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 1:26 am
by Tavik
Sorry...Re-reading that, it sounds completely different from what I wanted it to. I was NOT suggesting people are permitted or should transfer items between characters. I was pointing out that the code does not prevent this from happening and that the introduction of these bins wouldn't make any difference in this regard. If people are going to transfer items, they can do so easily without the suggested bins. Basically, such bins wouldn't be anymore subject to multi-playing than the ground. I like and support the rubbish bin idea.

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 5:21 am
by Hrosskell
What I interpreted from the "evil people could exchange items" bit was like... hiding a note or weapon or illegal substance (poison, since we're not drug-dealers, here) in a garbage can. Thieves could make use of these bins like whoo.

Maybe a hide command attached to the bins, so you could use discern to find hidden things in the bin? That'd be real cool sneak-style.