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Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 12:25 am
by Sairaven
Useful for those situations in which you've found yourself on a crime list, you would have the ability to bribe your way out of a sentence.

The cost would be rather high, to prevent abuse, and likely something that would need to be monitored.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 12:49 am
by Vibius
I think that is a good idea but taking in consideration:

-Some mobs wouldn't ever take a bribe
-Some crimes (The worst ones) shouldn't be possible of bribing your way out
-Having high charisma would be very important to be successful
-Failing to bribe would mean charging you with another sentence: "Trying to bribe an official"

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 1:11 am
by Travis
It seems like if you were going to bribe a law enforcer, it would happen while or before you were getting arrested. Perhaps upon arrest for a crime there would be a CHA and Haggle check or something similar to see if you could bribe the officer or not, if successful it would remove your name from the crime list, if not... you go to clink.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 3:24 am
by Jaenoic
If this is a command it should not be repeatable. As in, you cannot spam this command until it works. You get one shot and if it fails, then you sit in jail longer. ;)

And I take offense to the implication that Watch members can be bribed! Rabble rabble! :lol:

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 6:19 am
by Selveem
I'm a little worried about this, too..

You know, I really would like Charisma used in things like this. I'd like the MUD to have a wider range of things that Charisma can be used for. My only worry is that people will think 'Well, I have blinding Charisma and GM haggle! No problem. I'll just steal to my heart's content. NO JUDGE WOULD FIND ME GUILTY!

Perhaps it could be a config option. Like how you can resist arrest. Config +Bribe? That way you only get one shot at it. You fail, you increase your jail time. Maybe lose a tongue or two?

I dunno. I just don't want to see it abused.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 6:23 am
by Japcil
I think having it as a config option is a great idea, just remember to have coin on you.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 6:49 am
by Sairaven
I like the way this is coming along. Thinking of things far beyond what I suggested.

I was just sitting in jail when I thought that Quey would try to bribe her way out. I didn't really have thoughts in mind, but yes: Charisma, have haggle figure in somehow, and have it a single-chance check (config).

I love the discussion! Thanks for expanding on this guys!

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:48 pm
by Travis
I agree with Japcil and Selveem on this one, it should be a a config setting.
I was thinking that instead of just having to have coin on you though, it woul d prompt the guard to name a price instead (depending on your cha, your haggle skill, and hell, the crime commited) and in order to cover it all up you'd have to meet his price or go to jail. Perhaps it would be a time based thing, ie you get 20 seconds to respond to his offer or he carts you away.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 12:33 am
by Elenthis
I think it would be better as a command.

Bribe (person) <coin amount>. NPC's who are bribable would have a set coin amount that would fluctuate HEAVILY on charisma. Example:

Waterdeep Watchwizard (bribeable for 1 platinum per point of severity of crime. (crime was lvl 3)

Person who bribes him has unthinkably low charisma.

Total bribe requirement: 5 platinum.

Give 4 platinum wizard. Wizard smote shakes his head, pocketing the coin and says "Thanks for the gift. I'll spend it well while you're rotting in your cell." <Fail>

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 1:47 pm
by Vibius
I think that here we must think about several different things:

-A guard might not be able of erase your record but could be bribed to avoid being sent to the dungeon

-Only the mob that has the crime list can erase a crime (If it is in his ethos doing so)

-Notorious crimes because their public nature couldn't be erased.


And I fear that this command could lead to the following logic; that item is worth X platinum, I can get caught Y times trying to get it and after bribing the official Y times I still have Z benefit. (Repeated as many times as the player likes)

In case this comes in the bribe should be *really* expensive, to be used to clear your records rather than a way to make easier getting rich by stealing and with a restriction of the times an official can be bribed in a period.