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Candidate Q&A Session

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 1:42 am
by Enig
We'll be having a question and answer session for everyone who wants to be a candidate in the upcoming Waterdeep election. There's an IC posting in an obvious IC place, so this is primarily to make sure the time works for all candidates and a place to put the world clock. ... c=0&p1=250

Thanks for your participation in advance, everyone! :)

Re: Candidate Q&A Session

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 1:50 am
by Jaenoic
That is 4th of July weekend for those of us who live in the States... Could be taken up by family/friends but I will do my best! :D

Re: Candidate Q&A Session

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:05 am
by Tavik
Should work for me.

Re: Candidate Q&A Session

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:34 am
by Isaldur
Regretfully I will be at work and cannot make it. I hope it goes well and a transcript is posted for those of us that couldn't make it.

After giving this a bit more thought I figured I may as well address some questions about this. OOC in nature until I find out the given information IC of course.

Will the criteria for what is required of candidates be told before Saturday's Q&A? At the meeting Piergerion stated that it would be determined at a later time what exactly is required and if those who do not have Waterdeep as their Recall location can propose for candidacy or not.

Not to mention it will have been less than a week since the announcement to have this Q&A session which may not be very fair to any players who are in the more extreme time-zones or currently away for a short period of time away from the computer. Will there be other official Q&A sessions held so they have an equal chance if deciding to join in at a later date? Will Saturday's Q&A be the official and final list of candidates or is it a player sponsored and run session?

Re: Candidate Q&A Session

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:36 pm
by Enig
Let me see if I can knock out some answers to your questions, Is. :)

First of all, Enig's asked someone ICly to write up the minutes, but if for whatever reason they can't be there I can handle it myself easily enough.

As for all of the official business about requirements and this and that and the other thing, I honestly can't say a thing. Actually, this isn't an officially sanctioned event at all, it's an entirely player-driven event, so neither I nor anyone else involved in it know these details yet.

About other sessions, well, yes! The idea I had with this is to have a bunch of mini-player-events throughout the election, Q&A stuff and debates between opposing candidates, and this is just the first. To account for the variance in time zones we'll try to stagger them throughout the week so that everyone will have a chance to attend at least some of them.

There has been some question about the appropriateness of having this event before official word has come about the requirements for candidacy so let me just address that here too.

I've thought for a while about whether or not to postpone the event for a week or two until we know more details but I've ultimately decided against it. The only real question about candidates at the moment seems to be whether or not non-citizens can apply for the job, but seeing as this is only the first in a series of events I don't see that it will cause much harm if one or two of the candidates finds out later that they can't take the job because they have the wrong recall spot. Besides which they'd be going into things (ICly and OOCly) with open eyes regarding the possibility that they may later be turned down and hopefully this will clarify the matter; I have no knowledge of what's being planned for official requirements. That said, however, I think it would be in the best interests of everyone involved if we had as many candidates showing up as can make it insofar as, at the least, the ratio of citizens/non-citizens vying for a position may assist the fellows in charge with their decision on the matter. Furthermore it's my hope that the questions asked of the candidates will bring up issues which concern the citizens of Waterdeep, ICly, and whether the hot issue of the day is the trade of spell components or the security of the city against drow/half-drow/half-pigeon-drow, I do think it's definitely important to get it into people's minds as quickly as possible. Once it becomes a matter of current events and governmental regulation we can see some fun political maneuvering in that regard and it takes us away from the mishmash of voting by popularity.

All that aside, however, I just think it'll be fun to have a lot of miniature events like this to try and help the election feel like it's alive and moving. I wholeheartedly encourage my fellow players who are candidates and supporters of candidates to help the process even further by throwing parties, spreading propoganda, or engaging in a good old fashioned smear campaign.

Anyways, I think that just about covers everything. Obviously if there are any other questions/comments, please feel free with them.

Re: Candidate Q&A Session

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:19 pm
by Isaldur
Thank you for responding to that Enig, it is appreciated and with something as MUDchanging and with so many potential issues I think it's good we address every potential aspect.

Especially getting recounts from players that live in Florida.

Re: Candidate Q&A Session

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 4:10 pm
by Ramirus
Ack, something came up for tonight, I'm afraid I will have to miss it.

Re: Candidate Q&A Session

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:04 pm
by Enig
I've posted the minutes ICly but given the length they're a bit muddled. Not to cross the IC/OOC border too much, but would anyone object to my putting a copy of the minutes here, too, just to ensure that people on telnet/etc can read them?

Re: Candidate Q&A Session

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:48 pm
by Sindri
If posting them here seems odd, I'd hazard a guess that they would fit nicely in the Kingdom's Journal.