[FEAT] Fast Learner

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Sword Grand Master
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[FEAT] Fast Learner

Post by Glim » Sat Jul 05, 2008 6:43 am

With this feat, whenever you are taught, you will learn more than the average student per lesson. This would include learning from a PC with the teach command or learning from an NPC with the train command.

Basically, you will gain a higher skill raise per teach or train. This is basically a student feat as opposed to a teacher feat. A fast learner along with a good teacher will learn very fast.

Requires maybe would be a high intelligence?
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Re: [FEAT] Fast Learner

Post by Selveem » Sun Jul 06, 2008 5:22 am

I would think, if any stat, it would be Wisdom more than Intelligence. Int isn't retention, Wis is. :P
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Re: [FEAT] Fast Learner

Post by Raona » Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:46 am

Er, but learning isn't about retention, really, except for a few more bookish subjects, perhaps; like languages. Perhaps a modicum of both WIS and INT would make sense for this feat, but I think INT the more definitive of the two.

I could see wisdom alone governing how quickly you forgot what you had learned, if you didn't use it...but that would be another subject. (...and one that I've suggested elsewhere)
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