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The Hammers Of Grimjaws inactive?
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 1:03 pm
by Briek
hi there everyone wasent sure where to put this but hey i was just wondering about the Hammers Of Graimjaws and if they are active within FK because i know that in paper and pen DnD there are strick guidlines to joining it and such and if it is inactive maybe there is a way of making it active along with a few other orders?
Re: The Hammers Of Grimjaws inactive?
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 1:59 pm
by Jaenoic
The hammers of grimjaws is not a joinable organization in FK. You are welcome to send in an application to if you wish to apply for a special RP to join it, but be aware that does not equal coded support for the order(in the form of items, a guildhall, etc).
While it'd be awesome to have every order from FR joinable in FK, there really just isn't the resources for it. Most faiths that have paladins have one order, a few have two, and honestly we don't even have enough paladins to fill out those orders! So sadly, it's not really feasible to go and add new orders.
So it's not a matter of this order being inactive, just a matter of it not existing.
Re: The Hammers Of Grimjaws inactive?
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 3:40 pm
by Briek
right so obviously if i wanted to eve RP my character getting in to such and order it would have to be a viable time and my character would have to meet the prequsites (sorry for spelling) to join such yes?
Re: The Hammers Of Grimjaws inactive?
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 4:16 pm
by Jaenoic
I'm not sure what you mean by viable time, but if you were to apply for joining such an order, it would be good to meet the prerequisites of the order, yes. Although the administration reserves the right to alter the nature of the order as they see fit, which includes what is required of joining.
To my Forgotten Realms knowledge, in order to join this order you must meet two conditions:
1) Be a member of either the Holy Knights of Judgment OR the Knights of the Merciful Sword
2) Be nominated by an existing member and be accepted via vision by Tyr himself
I would suggest, however, that since being an experienced paladin is a prerequisite, you might want to focus on becoming a paladin before focusing on becoming a member of this order.