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Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:12 pm
by Elenthis
Elenthis of Mystra announces:

Coming soon! I will be hosting a trade fair, for which I call on all patrons. Attend this fair, and find all the things you've been looking for! This event is intended to gather the realms most talented tradesman and tradeswomen together in one place for a shopping bonanza! All are welcome, save followers of the Mad One, the Chaos Lord, and full-blooded Drow. The event will most likely be held in Berdusk. Legalities are still being sorted.

Entertainment will be provided!

All vendors MUST register to sell thier wares. To do so, please contact Elenthis (Icly) in person, or through amulet mail. The sooner the better, as I'm intending to get as many differing trades as possible, and will be limiting the number of each trade present. The following trades are but a tiny sample of those which I wish to fill!

~Balls of light
~Spell components
~Rare monster trophies
~Foods of all sorts
~Ore/smelted metals
~Toys and gags
~Precision forge handiwork

The following restrictions do apply to vendors:
Magical items are acceptable to bring to your trade table if, and only if, they pertain to your trade. For example, anyone who cooks will not be permitted to sell magic swords. This is the domain of the weaponsmith. Each vendor will only be allowed ONE trade to sell. Vendors will be asked to proved 5% of thier sales as a vendor fee. This will pay for the entertainment and, if necessary, the venue. We will be using the honors system for both rules.

More information will come as it becomes available!

(This note is intended Icly, but please feel free to respond to this post with any questions/comments/concerns ICly or OOCly)


Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:03 pm
by Elenthis
Trade Fair Update!

On this day...I, Elenthis of Mystra, announce the following pertaining to the Trade Fair:

The location is set for the Minstryfields of Berdusk. Several Craftsman and Craftswomen have already signed up, and I'm hoping that many more do! If you're looking to sell your wares, we still need to fill several booths. If you are a performer looking to broaden your audience, please see Paxsen of Tymora, who is organising the day's entertainment. These are paid performances!!!
(Your fee will be reduced by one coin of random metal for every crying child who's mother is caught scolding you)

The date for the fair is being carefully looked at, and will likely run 6 hours, during which vendors and patrons will likely be coming and going. So if you've seen the first half of the fair, be sure to stick around for the second half!


Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:33 pm
by Erwyth
ooc note: Perhaps some things could be installed at the fair, for a temporary thing, such as dummies? Or archery targets? A forge for the smiths, so it looks all fantasy setting type ? Just a neato though


Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 12:47 pm
by Elenthis
Due to my sudden influx of overtime at work, and the un-availability of several of the people who wish to participate in the fair, I'm calling it off until after Winterfest. Shortly after Winterfest passes, however, we will have a fair to remember. Please be aware that We are still accepting various trades, as well as performers for the fair. So don't be afraid to register!

The most likely date for the fair will be the second sunday in january from 4pm to 10pm EST. (I'll post again later with a final announcement and the time stamped for all to read)



Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 9:53 pm
by Nysan
I will likely be in the middle/end of moving during January, so Gilain still won't be able to attend. Exact time is still up in the air, depending on my brother's discharge papers. Still, would be happy to help with anything Gilain might be able to do in prep for the fair while I still got time. PM me or find Gilain in-game, if you need anything.


Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 6:49 am
by Elenthis
For those of you who thought this may have fallen on the way-side, its because following the holidays, my schedule at work got just plain wierd. Things are settling down now (and I even have some time off for my impending B-day). I'm now back into the swing of things, and short of IRL deity intervention, ready to run us a trade fair! On my next post, I'll post a list of who has registered, and for what trade. As of now, the event is 100% scheduled for The first sunday of February. (February first). It will run for roughly six hours, and be held in the minstryfields of Berdusk. I look forward to seeing as many players support the in-game trade systems as possible!


Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 1:37 pm
by Rhiel
OOC: IRL Deity intervention?? >.< HAHAHAHAH!!!

What if we know no trades, but have collected various sundries throughout our adventurous exploits which may be of interest to the traveler?


Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 6:35 am
by Nysan
Feb 1st, might just be hope of Gilain attending after all... maybe. I'll be in touch if I can.


Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:05 am
by Aldren
Can we get a confirmation on the aforementioned trade fair happening tomorrow? If so, can we get a time posted to the calendar and the world clock with a link so we know what time to show up? After all, there are 24 hours in Sunday and a 6 hour running period could have a number of possible times :)


Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:41 pm
by Elenthis
Sorry guys, I dropped the ball. I just moved into a new appartment and right now, I'm borrowing a slow I-net connection, moving boxes and furniture, trying to get utilities straight, and dealing with rennovations. I havent been on much, and I need to ICly get the trade fair ball rolling again. Look forward to seeing another post here soon with a new date and time (it will definately be on a sunday). Again, my apologies to those who were looking forward to it!


Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:10 pm
by Harroghty
Thanks to Aldren for showing up with some (a lot) of wares anyway. He's been busy and while it may have lacked the appeal of a number of sellers with a variety of diverse kinds of wares, it was still fun to see maybe ten (or more) people all turning over his wares and making purchases. Plus, I got a sword with a cool description. Thanks Aldren.


Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:01 pm
by Elenthis
And why I will always love Aldren :-D


Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:33 am
by Aldren
I aim to please. :) Seriously, look forward to seeing it come up though :)