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[Skill] Track

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 6:01 pm
by Erwyth
Could it be implemented that when typing the command track we could receive an echo of what or who passed by the tile we are on? It could of course be based off a limited amount of time due to skill, etc etc

Re: [Skill] Track

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 6:13 pm
by Selveem
That's a really, really interesting suggestion.

I like it a lot, but I don't know if it's possible as rooms don't 'remember' who went into them to my knowledge.

Even still, did I mention I like the suggestion?! :P

Re: [Skill] Track

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 8:48 pm
by Velius
Agreed, I'd love to see this in the game.

Re: [Skill] Track

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 10:54 pm
by Keltorn
Very cool idea, but probably a horrid mess to implement. >.<

I wonder how it should work if you're in an area where mobs wander through constantly? I imagine your screen would be spammed pretty badly, but a trail that's been walked over by hordes of people/creatures would be hard to read anyway.

Erm, my point? If this were implemented, it should probably only show so many results, probably based on skill level. I think that's how locate object works, right?

Re: [Skill] Track

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:12 am
by Namic
Sounds like a good idea though I only have a few issues with it. I think at best it could show the race but I dont think adjectives should be added in because I dont see how someone could tell that the person had green eyes by studying their foot print. :D Also on a side note granted I am curious to even show race because majority of the characters wear boots so maybe from their individual strides? like a gnomes and a dwarfs would be shorter than say an elf or a human. I dont really know just throwing my two cents in.

Re: [Skill] Track

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 1:21 pm
by Erwyth
I believe that if used, the echo would only list tracks your character can read. Strictly based off of your skill. In PnP version I believe its possible to track animals, etc, over shit like water, rocks, etc. Now, maybe in FK, this is a little excessive. So I'd leave those decisions up to people who have a MUCH longer and larger influence in FK than I do.

I just think it'd be neat to see the possibilities. Cuz, as it stands right now, I feel that OOC information is needed to use the track command. For example: who is online, etc. As for the spamming, it could be relatively recent tracks...

I don't know much about coding, etc... I just think it'd be a neat skill to see.

Re: [Skill] Track

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 5:58 pm
by Namic
I wasnt saying it isnt a good idea, personally I like the idea alot but to keep it to a reality perspective involveing adj. and all that.

Re: [Skill] Track

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 8:57 pm
by Nedylene
I made a suggestion concerning this a long time ago but don't know where it vanished to. A fully functionally system like this is hard to impliment and I am unsure how it would be done. Mind was similar to Skill level and would show.. progressively.. this:

Some tracks lead off to the north.
Some elven/human/wemic tracks lead off to the north.
Some male/female elven/human tracks lead off to the north.
The tracks of a slender male elf lead off to the north.

Problem is each tile room would have to keep a log of tracks for however long and track more then 1 track so would have to log up to six or more.

Re: [Skill] Track

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:46 pm
by Erwyth
Oh, yes, sorry Namic. I totally agree!!! "A blue eyed moon elf" went north is unacceptable. I like the above statement:

a short humanoid went north
a bear went east

I think its best ;)

Re: [Skill] Track

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 12:09 am
by Nysan
Race as a starter (easy to seperate a troll's feet from a halfling for example). Further details like height (short/tall) and weight (heavyset or light) could be added with skill level. These are things easily determined by trackers IRL and wouldn't be stretch to be added to the skill. Could even address injuries by blood trials or deeper footprints suggesting a limp.

Re: [Skill] Track

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 12:37 pm
by Erwyth
Oooooo very in depth with the wounded status / blood trail. To add on to that it could be as follows:

a bear walked east from here
a tall, heavy humanoid ran north from here
a small, light humanoid walked south from here
a horse galloped west from here

Re: [Skill] Track

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 11:47 pm
by Namic
I like the idea of speed and would make sense that type of speed the deeper the impression in the wild, and I agree with you nysan that a troll's foot print varies from a halflings the point I was getting at was that a human and elf would have "similar" style of foot/boot prints.

Re: [Skill] Track

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 12:24 am
by Nysan
Namic wrote:human and elf would have "similar" style of foot/boot prints.

Similar, yep. At a certain skill level, I would think a tracker could determine details of seperate tracks. I remember one of the Drizzt books where he could tell some footprints were from the barbarians because they walked in a toe-heel fashion, causing subtle differences in their footprints than other humanoids.

Re: [Skill] Track

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:36 am
by Glim
It would be nice if different skill levels could give you increased details.

Like maybe at apprentice you could only tell it was a medium humanoid. Maybe at expert you could tell it was an elf and it was moving at such speed. Maybe at GM you could tell that elf was 142.35 lbs :D

Re: [Skill] Track

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:49 am
by Erwyth
I personally love all the suggestions and was wondering if some input by a coder can be given? Maybe in reference to what IS possible and what isn't?