Drow Fridays

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Drow Fridays

Post by Velius » Tue Nov 04, 2008 9:19 pm

Alright, I did not post this in the events place because nothing is planned out or organized, once/if we have something going, it will be posted in the events spot. This here topic is to let out the idea of bringing back Drow Fridays, and to talk about what we will/can do over the course of these Fridays. I also want to get an idea on how many people are willing to participate in Drow Fridays.

Things I want to discuss:

1) How long should Drow Fridays last?: Should Drow Friday be an all-day event? Or should it start at an appointed time and end at an appointed time?

2) What should we do on Drow Fridays?: Will the Imms join in from time to time? Surface raids anyone? Should we all join together and have 1 large RP, or should we all scatter about and many many different RPs? What kind of RPs should we have?

3) RPing a drow can be hard: If successful, we will be getting a lot of people new to drow RP over the course of these fridays, what can we do in advance that will ensure they know what to and what not to do when RPing a drow?
Jysrak Armgo of House Barrison Del'Armgo -MENZO-
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Re: Drow Fridays

Post by Duranamir » Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:43 am

I definetly support the idea of stimulating more Drow RP... given my history how can i not ?

In my opinion we players need to do this for ourselves, if the IMM's then choose to add to it all the better, but previous attempts have failed as they were too dependant on the IMM's running the events and the players mostly reacted to the IMM run roleplay. When the IMM was not around the RP stopped and the players drifted away.

To make Drow RP work requires a critical mass of players on at the same time. What is needed is a way of coordinateing the time to get the maximum possible number of Drow at one time, be that Friday or some other set time. There is one thing that would greatly aid this and that is a message post so that we can IC setup meetings/trips and hunts between ourselves.

So what can we as Drow do without IMM intervention ?
  • Not all raids have to be on the surface, there are plently of underdark places already built that would be fun for some of the newer players to group up and explore, Mind flayer hunting anyone ?
  • House meetings, actually get the members of a house together, there are plenty of inactive Drow characters that i think would come out for one of these. We could then decide on the house weaponsmaster/ wizard and other positions by whatever devious means we like. Would obviously be nice to have the Matron Mothers at these.
  • Guild based RP's, Solaghar has been city weaponsmaster for a long time, anyone feel like challenging him ? An oppurtunity for RP, plotting and all the other fun things about being a Drow. This could be extended to the other guilds of the city. The positions do not need to have any game advantage, just the right to call yourself with a nice title is enough.
  • If we can, sort out Bregan Darthe, it still exists as an organisation and i did briefly see Jaxarle earlier this year so this maybe possible without IMM intervention.
  • RP's based around some of the other organisations of the city like the Slavers guild, pherhaps a competion to see who can bring back the most outrageous slave ?
  • Any other RP's that people can come up with, if we get this going i am pretty sure it will motivate general RP amongst the Drow.
All these things are not one off's they can recur and by so doing encourage ongoing long term RP. What is required is enough player involvement to keep the ball rolling.

Things it be nice to have some IMM help with.
  • Faithing, there are a number of non priestess characters who want to join the faith of LLoth. Currently this is immposible as the FM's are the matron mothers who are not consistently played. A possible soloution might be to make a player character or characters the priestess of the the temple of the acadmey and make them inner circle or an FM. This would allow the questing and faithing to occur in a way closer to the other faiths, rather than relying on the Matron Mothers. It would also give the other priestesses a position to plot for encourageing RP.
Just my first thoughts, i am sure the other players can come up with interesting RP's and story arcs. All it takes is a willingness to RP and the coordination to get enough players together (the hard bit).

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Re: Drow Fridays

Post by Caelnai » Wed Nov 05, 2008 3:33 pm

1) Seriously, just hearing "Drow Friday" will get me logging in any time on Fridays I can free up. Maybe we could encourage drow all day, but designate a certain time as "prime-time" ? If it seems to be going well perhaps we will spark IMMs/Matron visits then.

2) I do not think there would be a shortage of things to do. Even if you have one of those rare drow who has completed every quest in the Underdark, there's plenty of drow who haven't and could use some help. There's also component hunts, trips to other cities, hunting expeditions, House RP.... The only tricky thing I see is getting everyone in the same city to start off.

3) I do not see this is a problem. There are a bunch of threads here on drow RP which we can point people too and even more internet resources. I think most people who have played FK long enough to have a drow are happy to do a bit of background research. Of not, they'll soon annoy a priestess and be flayed alive. :twisted:

I agree with Dur on faithing. Gods show up where the players are, so we players need to be the drivers for this. However, people should stick with RP even while unfaithed (refer to the Priests and Faithing thread. :wink: ) As much as I understand the problems with new drow, I am against automatic faithing even with drow.

Related to the above, one OO/IC concern I have is other organizations eclipsing the Matrons and the priesthood. I believe it is critical we figure out something that encourages/facilitates Matrons to log on.
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Re: Drow Fridays

Post by Velius » Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:37 pm

I agree full-heartedly with Duranamir when he says we the players need to get the RPs going ourselves and not rely so much on the IMMs, which is why I put this thread (if thats what this is called?) together. As soon as the drow RP "ended", all the people who attended the RP, and the drow, went bye bye! I want something to start to where people show up every single Friday (when possible :wink: ) and every single Friday some amazing RP is going on.

And who knows, if people really enjoy coming in on Fridays, maybe there will be people playing over the course of the week itself. Though it isn't my goal just yet, we still need people having fun in Market Square and all over the rest of the surface also ;), especially with all the new players we are getting now.
Jysrak Armgo of House Barrison Del'Armgo -MENZO-
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Re: Drow Fridays

Post by Velius » Wed Nov 05, 2008 11:08 pm

Velius wrote:I agree full-heartedly with Duranamir when he says we the players need to get the RPs going ourselves and not rely so much on the IMMs, which is why I put this thread (if thats what this is called?) together. As soon as the drow RP "ended", all the people who attended the RP, and the drow, went bye bye! I want something to start to where people show up every single Friday (when possible :wink: ) and every single Friday some amazing RP is going on.

And who knows, if people really enjoy coming in on Fridays, maybe there will be people playing over the course of the week itself. Though it isn't my goal just yet, we still need people having fun in Market Square and all over the rest of the surface also ;), especially with all the new players we are getting now.
So far all I've said is "I want I want I want" Lets do, eh?

Alright, what can I/we do to get these RPs together as soon as possible? I don't want to just pop up, "Drow Friday!" in the events section, we need to have something that indicates that we won't be standing still. I'd like to arrange it to where veteran drow players would be on throughout the day on our first drow friday (when we begin to have drow fridays)

Duranamir and Caelnai both have good ideas. It'd be cool if I got contact of the Matron Mothers and said, "Hey, it'd be cool if X friday you could log on and we could started faithing people and have a meeting."

In reguards to people getting faithed and whatnot, not to derail the thread, but in my opinion people should be faithed as soon as they "graduate" from Tier Breche, and I think it'd be cool if we RP'd graduation ceremonies. I like to RP that I am in my Xth year of study at Tier Breche and am X years away from graduating from Melee-Magthere. Maybe we could incorporate that into the Friday RPs? "Congratulations, X people, you have graduated from the Academy!" Holding graduation ceremonies and such after a person (or a group of people) had been at X school for X amount of time. Perhaps we could have our own FK version of graduation from Tier Breche and have the Matron Mothers (Or a Matron Mother) attend the ceremonies and faith all graduates.

EDIT: What if we were to have a seperate council set aside for Drow RP and get-togethers? Members of the council would include active drow players. Each member of the council would manage certain things.

F.E.: Lets say we did RP graduations from time to time, a person would be put in charge of that and would schedule when graduations would occur and would contact Matron Mothers, etc. for RPs concerning that. Lets another person were to be put in charge of the Bregan Daerthe organization and RP concerning it, etc... Would that also help RP down in the Underdark?
Jysrak Armgo of House Barrison Del'Armgo -MENZO-
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Re: Drow Fridays

Post by Duranamir » Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:37 pm

Faithing should not be automatic in my opinion, yes everyone in Menzo worships Lloth.... they had better ! :twisted: . Does not mean everyone has what it takes to join the church or even is allowed too, who wants every smelly commoner in the church (A nobles point of view). Even for a noble it should require a degree of work and proved devotion before they get the symbol of faith and everything that goes with it. This is even more true of commoners they really do need to earn there membership of the church by proving there worth to the priestesses.

I would love the Matron Mothers to be more active but i do not think we can force this. The issue for me is that they are the only FM's of Lloths faith and that causes a bottleneck in the faithing process. What i think should be done is to involve normal player characters rather than aution ones in the running of Lloths church like every other church out there. I am also of the opinion that selecting this person/person would be a very interesting RP. Drow are nothing if not competitive and a competion for that post would be quite in character, it would also encourage a degree of conflict and the possibility of taking the post over by another priestess at a later date like with normal Faiths.

There could be a lot of interesting RP around the whole faith issue with different Priestesses sponsering there choice of new member for pherhaps a limited number of slots in each month ? Make the whole thing competitive..in my opinion very Drow and rife with potential deals, back stabbing and general Drowishness.

Graduation parties and i think more appoproriately tests would be a fun RP, the recent graduates could be set a group task to perform which would require them to work together to survive it.... though obviously there would be only one top of class award at the end ....... :twisted:

Bregan Daerthe is a whole another ball game, if it was completely dead and without members i would be happy to suggest a hostile takeover by some of the currently played characters with a little IMM help, but since to my knowledge there are two character members including Jaxarle that i have seen this year i would rather see whether they are interested and become involved first.

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Re: Drow Fridays

Post by Mezbarris » Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:15 am

When time allows I will be there I dont come often now because theres not usually much more to do than sit in my room =)
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Re: Drow Fridays

Post by Caelnai » Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:46 pm

Mezbarris wrote:When time allows I will be there...
(Now we're in trouble. :twisted: )
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