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Useless items?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:21 am
by Aveline
The quills thread got me to thinking about something that has been bothering me for a while now. I have a couple of characters that have 2000+ hours on them. In this time, they have amassed a ton of things that they either just do not use...or cannot use.
And they have really no way to get rid of it. Some of it is quest rewards. I've been told that those items really shouldn't be given away(Well I was told they can be within reason, but you cannot just go through your vault of junk and give it ALL away), and a lot of the bigger quest items really shouldn't be sold either. Sacrificing is generally frowned up on, you shouldn't bury it because that leaves the items in game and either counts against the number of items in game, or leaves it where someone who shouldn't have it can find it and dig it up. And most of the time it wouldn't be IC for my character to burn it, so she's just....stuck with this stuff that she cannot use, but has to haul around. Take Gesine for instance...she is rewarded a suit of magical armor, what is she supposed to do with that if she cannot give it away? Not supposed to sell it..she's a wizard, she'd probably release a fireball inside the armour and fry herself, so can't wear it either. Can't bury it...Can't burn it up to get rid of it because well that would be detroying a magical item. A Mystran no no. I was told specifically not to give away the more rare quest rewards, and I can understand that, they were meant to be rare, and you have to work to get them. Now I'd also like to say that not all of the items my characters need to get rid of are these quest rewards, my girls just have a knack for collecting things and never getting rid of it..

What I'm looking for from this thread is either some suggestions of how to get rid of said things without having IC consequences....
or what people might think about having something that they could put items in that would junk these items. The only way I could think of something like that being abused is someone taking another person's items and junking them. But who would do that really? And if you would...shame on you. I remember when those bags were bugged and you could drop them and everything inside of them would disappear along with the bag, something like that would be nice only not buggy. It could be a container with the TRASH command where everything in it was junked. (Having the dropping bags again could be problematic if you accidently drop the bag with something you want in it..) I hate sitting at a fire for the things I AM ICly able to burn and cooking away at things as the only way to get them out of the game. And some things, metal things, leave those annoying lumps of metal behind that you can do nothing you are still just leaving junk all over the place.

I've been really confused for a long time on how to go about getting rid of things. Most of my main characters have every source of storage full up. They HAVE to get rid of things, but I just do not know how to do it other than waiting for that "Game will be rebooted in 5 seconds, all items on the ground wil be lost" message to appear, and dumping a bunch of things on the ground real quick so the reboot eats them. And even that seems wrong somehow so I just don't do it. My characters are getting overwhelmed with please.

Re: Useless items?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 11:10 am
by Nearraba
I have come across this problem too, collecting things I did not really mean to collect. =) A solution I discovered, is to donate the items. In a temple or to your guild (if your guild has a space for storing items). One mans trash is another mans treasure. =) This could work in some instances.

I know there use to be a command and Im unsure if it works still.. Help Donate..
Syntax: donate <object>
Most guildhalls and temples contain rooms for donation. Just drop items in these rooms and they will be saved between reboots. Hero characters at level 51 have the ability to donate to these storerooms using the donate command from anywhere in the Kingdoms. Everyone else can go to the storeroom and leave items for donation there.
It might not work for some of your items, but I hope it helps a little. =)

Another Idea.. =)
I cannot remember if I was told this by someone or if I read it somewhere awhile ago, but I remember someone talking about giving the said item to a Mob player in a temple that does not sell items. I believe but may be wrong, that giving the Mob the item is all right if it is IC to do so, and the reboot will get rid of the item.

For example, if Bob had the magical suit of armour and was a wizard, but did not have any need for this item. He could possibly take it to a Warrior Mob in one of Mystra’s temples and give it to them. Again I might be wrong about that, so if someone else knew that would be awesome. =)

Re: Useless items?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 3:11 pm
by Selveem
Aveline wrote:I was told specifically not to give away the more rare quest rewards, and I can understand that, they were meant to be rare, and you have to work to get them.
I'm not sure where you heard this. If it was from an Administrator, I'm probably in deep trouble. Selveem has reached the point where there are few armors he considers an upgrade. He generally doesn't look for things that are 'the highest armor value,' but instead armors that ward him from any magics or psionics. He is a caster-killer primarily. It's how I built him, so any armors or weapons he doesn't want or need any longer I have given away. Some to fellow Tempurians, some to newbies, some to other established players. I have never heard anything about what I am doing is wrong (so long as it's IC!).
Aveline wrote:and a lot of the bigger quest items really shouldn't be sold either.
Mystran belief? I have sold even a ioun stone before which are generally pretty rare in D&D terms. Zareth has sold some pretty lofty stuff to other players to be able to afford his spell components. Xaden (Fox), well.. He likes to sell things too. ;) Again, is what I'm doing wrong?
Sacrificing is generally frowned up on
Since when? :/ Werthic sometimes sacrifices a huge amount of shields. ICly, I can't explain what that would be like - an offering to Moradin that he takes? Players don't have a 'junk' command and last I heard it was alright to use the sacrifice command for this.
Aveline wrote:you shouldn't bury it because that leaves the items in game and either counts against the number of items in game, or leaves it where someone who shouldn't have it can find it and dig it up
I agree.
Aveline wrote:And most of the time it wouldn't be IC for my character to burn it, so she's just....stuck with this stuff that she cannot use, but has to haul around.
Not to mention magical stuff won't burn anyhow ICly. :P

That being said, we have limited abilities and sometimes it is important to just utilize the commands we have. I hope we can get a comment from the Administration on this issue (especially what I responded to!). :)

Re: Useless items?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 4:52 pm
by Lerytha
I have also sold (and bought) items. I don't see a problem with it, myself! We're not meant to know ICly whether we'll find the duplicate ourselves, so if we see a nice new belt, we should buy it. Not selling it "because it is a quest item and someone might get it" is actually, if you think about it, an OOC decision. Our characters don't know its a quest item, do they? And yes, I suppose really important ones shouldn't be sold... but then., you can keep the really really important ones and sell the rest, because really important ones aren't THAT high in number. :)

I'd like it if donation rooms had a "one-item pick-up" flag or something, or a level limitation, or both. So that if a high-level wizard drops stuff she/he doesn't need, any player of a wizard can't just waltz in and take it all. That way, items we donate can be spread around all of our guild (and I use wizard because my characters are wizards, it obviously applies to fighters as well!).

Re: Useless items?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 7:45 pm
by Raona
Nearraba wrote:I cannot remember if I was told this by someone or if I read it somewhere awhile ago, but I remember someone talking about giving the said item to a Mob player in a temple that does not sell items. I believe but may be wrong, that giving the Mob the item is all right if it is IC to do so, and the reboot will get rid of the item.

For example, if Bob had the magical suit of armour and was a wizard, but did not have any need for this item. He could possibly take it to a Warrior Mob in one of Mystra’s temples and give it to them. Again I might be wrong about that, so if someone else knew that would be awesome. =)
Given the number of pairs of holy Tyran gloves certain miscreants manage to abscond with, some of which are recovered, Raona's had to come up with a solution to this in order to avoid being right buried in the things!

The above works just as described, though I would add encouragement to avoid overloading an NPC that you know has to accept things for a quest - if his/her hands are full, (s)he won't be able to do so, and the quest will be broken (or at least locked up) until reboot. To be safe, spread the wealth around and give away only one or two objects to each NPC, ideally things ICly suitable to them.

The one downside risk is that these object can be stolen by thieves. My thinking is that if they want to take their chances with the wrath of an entire's IC for them to try.

Re: Useless items?

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 8:22 am
by Nysan
NPC pointer: Make sure, very very sure any NPC you plan to 'donate' an item to is not coded as a vendor. Learn from my mistakes. :mrgreen: