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Supplicate Objects
Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:21 am
by Nysan
Looking over my characters, their faiths, and their travels... I have a thought.
Can we place the auto-resize flag on supplicated objects? Staring down the business end of my shorties: Garz the goblin and Gilain the dwarf, I thought why not suggest their supplicated items fit as well as newbie-temple stuff? Yes, no, maybe?
Re: Supplicate Objects
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:06 am
by Nysan
Really? No one else things supplicated objects should be have auto-resize flags on them, like symbols do, so our non-medium characters are equally blessed by their deities?
Re: Supplicate Objects
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:52 am
by Alvirin
Actually I think so as well
Re: Supplicate Objects
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 3:17 am
by Selveem
I think pretty much all equipment should be allowed to be resized.. Including quest rewards.
I've never changed my view regarding this nor am I likely to. Making every quest load different objects depending on people's race/size/class is just far too time consuming.
Re: Supplicate Objects
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 3:47 am
by Oghma
I'm of the opinion that everything but magical weapons should be able to be resized by mobiles. Magic weapons could be abused. I would not, though be against magic weapons being made a reasonable size for the race in question from the outset.
Re: Supplicate Objects
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 6:18 am
by Selveem
In what way do you suspect the items may be abused?
Re: Supplicate Objects
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:00 am
by Oghma
Simple, they could be resized to be dual wielded in an off hand with another magic weapon. So you would end up with a small sized magic longsword being wielded in an off hand and a medium sized one in the other. Which is a bit unbalancing.
Re: Supplicate Objects
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 9:07 pm
by Nysan
Selveem wrote:I've never changed my view regarding this nor am I likely to. Making every quest load different objects depending on people's race/size/class is just far too time consuming.
Thats the beauty of this thread. Not aiming for every quest item. I have similar desires, but I am realistic. Asking just for supplicated items to have resize flags is far less time consuming that all quest items. We underwent that change with symbols that made all of them removable and resizable some time back. This is along the same mindset and shouldn't be overly difficult to apply since all supplicated items are created from the same 'place', rather than coded around 100 NPCs/rooms around the realms.
Re: Supplicate Objects
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 11:24 pm
by Alvirin
Yes, I have the feeling that many ideas didn't see light because what was an interesting idea was inflated until it did become something too bulky to be implented in little time, modifying those items shouldn't take long and it would be a nice addition.
Re: Supplicate Objects
Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:45 am
by Tavik
Are supplicate objects not already tailored to the size of race most likely (or only permitted) to follow? If not, why not just do that? If Moradin's items are loading as medium, just change them all to small, and the same goes for gnome and halfling racial deities. Everything else is going to have a majority of medium sized PC followers. For the few deities that are likely to attract both medium and small PCs (Gond comes to mind), I would see a resize flag as appropriate.
That said, if it is just as easy to add a resize flag to supplicate objects, I don't really see how that would be detrimental. Most gods aren't too likely to hand a huge sword to a tiny halfling and just say "Deal with it." They're more likely to tailor the object to something the character can use. Furthermore, since this relates to a relatively small number of items this would be fairly easy to watch for abuse especially when you consider that the faith members will throw a fit if they see a holy gift/relic/item being misused or abused.
As long as this is limited to ONLY supplicate items, I don't really think it matters how the problem, if this is a problem, is fixed (be it already properly sized, resize code, NPC resizer, application) just so long as the end result is there and supplicate items are usable by those who supplicate them. IMHO, the easiest/quickest fix is the best in this case.
Re: Supplicate Objects
Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:32 pm
by Nysan
Well, my inspiration for this suggestion are:
Garz, the goblin, follows Talona.
Gilain, the dwarf, follows Waukeen.
Not the usual small folk deities and I am sure they won't be the last non-medium folk that might follow medium based deities. If resize flags are attached to selected deity objects, great. Its some progress in the right direction.
If I am reading the concern right, the problem with resize flags are magic weapons. So, whats the harm in placing resize flags on the non-weapon supplicated objects for faiths? Based on the objects my various misfits of coded faiths have gained, its one weapon and two other items. Is there a way to abuse a resizable belt/bracer/ect? I understand the weapon concern. I do not understand the reasoning to restrict all supplicated objects around a weapon issue. If there is a issue with clothing/armor/misc resizing, please let me know. I just don't see it.
Re: Supplicate Objects
Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 12:32 pm
by Zorinar
Can I add a new, but related topic to this thread?
I have been wondering something about Supplicate. From what I understand, there are three objects that everyone of the same faith will get. As a wizard, and as a Tempurian I fear I will end up getting platemail or something I cannot use as a wizard. I would assume the god wouldnt give someone something they cannot use and might not even be able to carry around. What would I do about this situation to ensure I get something I coudl actually use? Would this be an application issue before I supplicate, after I supplicate or should I just suck it up and get what I get?
Re: Supplicate Objects
Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:06 am
by Belose
Braeck is STILL wondering what to do with a supplicated mithril token. I think I might even have two of them. I need to go check all my storage....again. <sighs dramatically>