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[Idea] QLOG

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 1:47 pm
by Erwyth
Is it possible to change the QLOG command a bit? Perhaps when you type "qlog" it shows what you haven't completed. As well as implementing qlog complete, to show which ones you HAVE completed? Just an idea

Re: [Idea] QLOG

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:15 pm
by Selveem
I feel where you're coming from.

Personally, I don't mind the qlog as it is. I like seeing my steps of progress.

Re: [Idea] QLOG

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:16 pm
by Jaenoic
There are various arguments you can add to qlog to achieve this desired effect. I'm not positive of the syntax, but "help qlog" should tell you the comprehensive list. But typing something like "qlog complete" will show only the completed quests, and "qlog local" will show only quests that were triggered in the area you are currently in.

Re: [Idea] QLOG

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:22 pm
by Harroghty
Help QLOG offers these options...

Syntax: questjournal [local|failed|finished|progress|misc|notdone|geography|trades]

The questjournal command shows you the quests that you have undertaken in
the game. Putting in one of the arguments above shortens the list to fit
the criteria you enter.

QLOG and QUESTLOG also work as shorter versions of this command.

Re: [Idea] QLOG

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 1:05 am
by Julthain
I like the qlog the way it is... about the only dislike I have is that everything is the same color. Maybe make the headers of the uncompleted quests a different color so it is easier to separate them from each other:

You are disappointed that your alignment does not allow you to kill on a whim.
Search the realms for any reason to kill and manipulate role plays so it appears as if it is in character.
You are studying with Newbicus to become the Ultimate Noob.
Initiate five ridiculous and horribly acted role plays and return to Newbicus.

That way it would alternate and you could easily spot what you are working on without having to read through the whole thing, or have to read through the whole log repeatedly because you keep skipping over it.

I know it might sound a bit lazy, but after eight or so hours of mudding on end, the colors seems to blend together. :P

Re: [Idea] QLOG

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 1:55 am
by Nearraba
Could just be Sarade's craziness, but her list on her qlog is different colors. :)
Bright blue in what she has yet to complete, bright green on what she has already accomplished, dark green for knowledge religion and as well as familiar areas. Oh, and pink for publications. I checked on Nearraba's too, her's is the same. :)

Re: [Idea] QLOG

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 2:16 am
by Nysan
I see various colors as well:
Dark green (regions)
Green (completed quests)
Blue (unfinished)
White (can't tell, rewards maybe)
Brown (trades)
Red (bad things)

Perhaps its your color scheme setup that is defaulting everything one color?

Re: [Idea] QLOG

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 2:55 am
by Julthain
Yes, those are different colors in my qlog as well. I was referring to uncompleted quests. Normally you have a header for the quest, then instructions for said quest, which are both bright cyan, with both header and instructions being the same color, and then having a list of uncompleted quests, it just all blends in to one big blob and you have to sort through it all to separate the quests from each other. With it all being the same color, I sometimes unintentionally skip a line and miss what I am looking for.

Re: [Idea] QLOG

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 3:04 am
by Nedylene
there is only one thing that would make me cringe about colors. Those are all set by the builders who do the quests.. Which means every single area would have to be revamped by hand.....