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Orc Meeting

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 2:12 am
by Ooma
There will be an IC meeting / feast for ALL ORCS only pleeeze Friday Dec 26th at approx. 4 PM Central Time Zone ( I dont have time to look up all the fancy links and whatnot... sorry...) We will meet at the camp outside the feast area.

If you want your orc to be put on the path to being faithed... you should be at this meeting. There is a "Path" and a specific set of guidlines I follow for faithing orcs... You Will need to speak with Ooma if you are an orc and want to follow Gruumsh Or if you were recently faithed.. or if you were faithed a while ag and we need to catch up :P

If you were recently faithed.... I frankly am not sure what that situation is or was... but it seems you were on at a time when I was not and were faithed... so it would be nice if you PMed me if you can not make it so I can set up a time to RP with you as I would imagine it would be best if the Lazgoui... knew you. *shrug*

Please understand... for those of you who feel "neglected" that this has been a difficult year for me personally... I have had to revive a dead business,care for a terminally ill father, be away from my family for a year and the moment things began to become normal my father passed away. As I understood you all when I held orc meetings for months on end that noone attended... because of personal matters....I am asking that you all understand my situation... Things will change when the holidays are over and life is a bit more normal... thanks for your understanding.... see you the 26th!

Re: Orc Meeting

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 3:43 pm
by Raona
Universal time and date: ... c=0&p1=159

This event has also been added to the FK calendar:

Have fun, orcs!

Re: Orc Meeting

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 10:38 pm
by Lysha
No worries, hon. We can all understand, and I'm sure I speak for everyone, when real life doesn't go quite as planned.

I should be able to attend with Nulgha, if all goes well.

Re: Orc Meeting

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 5:09 am
by Ooma
I owe you all an apology... I missed the time and meeting because a big problem arose IRL... I am very sorry... and will make every effort to meet individually with all the orcs please PM me... soon to let me know when you can. else... I will reschedule the meeting for next week and repost.

I am incredibly sorry to anyone who I inconvenienced... It is not my intent to do so :( There are some serious IRL issues involving another player ( Ex-player?) from the game and my family and I will be perfectly honest... I was not at home when the appointed time arose because I was dealing with HUGE family problems.... and the last thing I wanted to do was log on the game.

It was probably incredibly selfish... and thoughtless and for that I am sorry... I ask that you all forgive me... I promise I will take care of any orcs that need to be faithed.. as long as I get a pm from you :)

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday

Re: Orc Meeting

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 5:09 am
by Ooma
I owe you all an apology... I missed the time and meeting because a big problem arose IRL... I am very sorry... and will make every effort to meet individually with all the orcs please PM me... soon to let me know when you can. else... I will reschedule the meeting for next week and repost.

I am incredibly sorry to anyone who I inconvenienced... It is not my intent to do so :( There are some serious IRL issues involving another player ( Ex-player?) from the game and my family and I will be perfectly honest... I was not at home when the appointed time arose because I was dealing with HUGE family problems.... and the last thing I wanted to do was log on the game.

It was probably incredibly selfish... and thoughtless and for that I am sorry... I ask that you all forgive me... I promise I will take care of any orcs that need to be faithed.. as long as I get a pm from you :)

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday

Re: Orc Meeting

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 6:04 am
by Bregga
ooc: BUMB was wondering if one of these could be set up anytime soon?

Re: Orc Meeting

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 2:40 pm
by Grouke
I concur, but let it be open to goblins as well :D

Re: Orc Meeting

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:13 pm
by Lathander
Why not goblins too? Someone needs to serve the food, clean the pots and grovel appropriately!

Re: Orc Meeting

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:14 pm
by Grouke
Psh! The days of goblins beein slaves to the orcblood are numbered!

Long live Maglubiyet!

Re: Orc Meeting

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 7:03 pm
by Ooma
*Large banners appear, posted all over the ORC CAMP*

Da Mudda Be Callin a meetin of all da Orcs!!!!!
Gonna Be faithin of ALL da Young onez wit no SymbolZ...
Dis be DA LAST FAITHIN BEFORE MidWInta Feast So all ouze bettah come out.

And da BIG BOZZ.... says... "WE NEEDZ FIGTAHZZZ!!!"
SO mee lookin' for strong Fightaz what wantz to give dem lives for Da One-Eye

Meet at da well...When ouze hear da Speshul Drumz!!!!*

*ooc: Here is the time and date: This will be a short meeting so as not to burden anyone. If you are wishing to follow Gruumsh and can not make it please PM and I will log this week to deal with faith matters. :) ... c=0&p1=944

Re: Orc Meeting

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 2:26 am
by Ooma
*posted all about the orc camp*
Da orcs are to hold a tournament of orc warriahs. Dis be to determin da acting Warbozz.... all interested orcs should speak to da Muddah. has been brot to da Muddahs attenshun dat some Hoomans are demandin dat Orcs grovel and scrape to dem... dis not be da case... Orcs are ORCS not Hoomans. Ouze serv da One-Eye... Him eat ouze for bowin down to da uddah races! We be surpeme race!!!!

ooc: ... ec=0&p1=25

OOC: This is an orc camp event and will take place in the ceremonial area. If you are not able to enter that area ICLY without an orc to escort you...or you are not from the orc camp ( I understand there are a couple of people from the orc camp who would want to participate who are not race orc simply ask icly ) please understand that this is a specialized event. It is not open to people outside the camp ...

Re: Orc Meeting

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 3:04 am
by Aveline
I'm sorry. I know this is short notice, but it was just pointed out to me that this event, is scheduled for only an hour after the Mystran star search starts. Is there any possible way this can be pushed back a bit or scheduled to another day? I've already had two people voice concerns about being able to make one or the other, or having to leave early. Really sorry for the short notice but I didn't notice it myself until someone pointed it out to me and I wouldn't normally bring it up but, the Mystran event sort of hinges on people being able to be there and stay a while. Even just one more hour would be great, but if it is too late to move it..we'll work something out. Thanks so much! (And again so so so so sorry about short notice!)

Re: Orc Meeting

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 4:24 am
by Ooma
That is fine Aveline. SO, it looks like the orcs will be leaderless a while more. I don't have much time to spare that I know about right now. This is my busiest season and so I get on the game but it is always catch as catch can. I might make it on every day to rp...or... not at all, but I am never SURE. SOOo I will try to find a day that I can be certain I will have enough time and I will repost.

IN the meantime... I know the Orcs are antsy for a new leader. TRAIN YOUR WARRIORS!!!!( And please be patient ICLY since OOC situations are dictating the schedule.) I will repost the Challenge time and hopefully we can get together soon ( a week ... ten days at the most??)

If you are an orc warrior and have a time you might like to suggest please PM me? I will try hard to make it at the most convenient time for all of you so that we can have a super turnout! ( It might have to be on a sunday afternoon since I work 6 days a week and this time of year usually around 13-15 hours a day)


Re: Orc Meeting

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:43 am
by Ooma
Gonna be a gatherin in da camp by da well at this time.... Bring ouse own elf meat.... We gots some stuff to talk about. ... c=0&p1=944
Ouze betta show up or da Mudda is gonna make sure ouze end up as a greasy little spot...
( if you are unable to attend just please drop me a PM pretty please with dead flies on top :twisted: )

Powah to Da One-Eye!
Mudda Ooma

Re: Orc Meeting

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 12:10 am
by Ooma
Just a bump.... It is on like donkey Kong people!

Re: Orc Meeting

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:34 pm
by Ooma
On a large tanned skin of a human the following not is scrawled in blood

Muddah Be Angry...
Only two of da Orcs on da list reported in and told da muddah dem no make it and be sorry.... Ouze all bettah have been dead... Because me no got word dat ANY ORK...wuz gonna miss da meetin.

Muddah not gotz da pashunz to be ignored... SO me gonna give ouze one more chanz before me start smackin heads around.

We gonna meet... at da WELL IN DA CAMP...We needs Lots of fitahs... No pansies.. No fatties... No humans...No Loozahs... If ouze not gonna make it... Ouze need to tell Da mudda BEFORE DA TIME OF DA MEETIN ( Dat means...Not after) Da muddah will speak wit ouze in private den!

HERE IS DA TIME OF DA MEETIN!!!! ... c=0&p1=944

Re: Orc Meeting

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 2:36 pm
by Ooma
Just want to bump this... and ask that if you have an orc you please let me know in a PM if you will or will not be attending this event.

I know there are some of you who are in different time zones and I am trying to compile information so that I can get a firm grasp on when the best time to host events are. and I am considering running the same event twice to allow those who are in a vastly different time zone than us USA folks ( or USA people who are available at odd hours) to have a go at the same sorts of rp and good times! :)

That all said...
I can not adequately meet your needs as an FM and someone trying to build orc RP if you do not respond, offer feedback or show up to these events. That said.. I look forward to seeing you all there it should be a lot of fun!


Re: Orc Meeting

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 11:21 pm
by Ooma
Another Bump to remind folks that this starts in about 1 hour 40mins!!! I have only had 2 orcs PM me so I am hoping that there will be a good turnout.

If you are scheduled to participate in the tourney on another character please feel free to log your orc and at least put in a cursory appearance. Send me an otell and let me know you are going to the tourney on an alt and we will work it out so you will not be tied up past the start of the other tourney.

I apologize for the close proximity of this event to the tourney... when I scheduled this I checked the calendar and did not see the tourney. But there is at least a buffer of time so that some can make both events.

Also I am asking all orcs to send me a PM of one day of the week and a time ( with time zone) you would most like to see an event happen.

See you all tonight! :twisted:

Re: Orc Meeting

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 1:12 am
by Ooma
Orc Event has started! Please log your Orcs if you plan to attend.
This event will have to be cancelled if not enough players show.


Re: Orc Meeting

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 4:41 am
by Ooma
I would like to thank the orcs who showed for the meeting! :) I appreciate that you all brought out your orcs!!
And phooie to all of you who are not orcish enough for the orc club! >:P ( LOL *teasing* but only a little )

Please keep your eyes on the forums for more RPs in the future. I promise I will not forget about the folks in different time Zones...

Please please pm me with that info and the best time for you to play your orc. I will be trying to schedule special rps so that people can join in no matter their time zone. Just have to get the info!

Thanks again!