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FK World vs. FR World

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 1:04 am
by Ssinurulynn
Hi everyone, I have a feeling this is a totally 'noob' question but I've tried to search for an answer to it on the site and forums and just haven't been able to find one. I'm sorry if this has been addressed elsewhere.

I am preparing a brief character history/bio and am wondering as to how approximate the world of FK is to that of FR. I've been through the "world" threads and have found some great resources, and am currently working off of the "Environs of Waterdeep" document linked to elsewhere. My questions is basically this. If I create a background story based on this information will it make sense within the FK world? I am considering making my character from Amphail, a smaller village outside of Waterdeep but still belonging to this area. Does this exist in actuality within the game, will my character referencing to this locale only be silly within the context of the game or does it make sense? I appreciate any input on this. Thanks.

Re: FK World vs. FR World

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 1:49 am
by Horace
I like you Ssinurulynn, you've obviously gone out of your way to develop your character in more than just personality. Environs of Waterdeep I've never read - honestly I've never read any web enhancements. But it's canon, and to me that means a lot.

I get the impression much of that is basic information about the outskirts of Waterdeep. If you use one of these areas expect to find many PC's clueless as to what the area is (very few of us have read web enhancements like that) even if they suggest they've lived in Waterdeep their entire lives. Don't make a big deal about it by rubbing it in their face in character that you know something they don't out of character, and you'll be golden. A simple, "it's a hamlet x direction from waterdeep y days off" will do just fine.

I'd personally enjoy learning about the setting through another PC, that is if you're willing to put the time into knowing that region accurately. I can't imagine anyone will fault you for it. Everyone likes players who go the extra mile - just don't make anything up of any importance ;)

edited to add: if you still have that web enhancement, my email is *nudge* *nudge* *wink* *wink* say no more

Re: FK World vs. FR World

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:00 am
by Harroghty
Ditto on Horace's comments.

You can see what is in the game by typing: HELP AREA

Beyond that, your own research is appropriate. Just remember that Forgotten Kingdoms is set in the period where King Azoun IV is still on Cormyr's throne and Bane has not returned. It is after the Time of Troubles, but not nearly as far as Wizards of the Coast have advanced the Forgotten Realms timeline. You might enjoy looking on resources like these:

I also highly recommend the Volo's Guides.

I believe that the more you put into your character and their role-play, the more you will get out of it. Good on you.

Re: FK World vs. FR World

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:02 am
by Gwain
For the most part, we are around the Dungeons and Dragons 3rd to 3.5 edition of The Forgotten Realms. Our time line is subject to some changes (such as Bane not being returned yet and Waukeen only recently returning.) I would ignore most developments concerning the 4th edition time line in that regard. I believe we've been placed a few decades after the time of Troubles. For there on the world diverges into unique situations that generally reflect on Fk over FR. The canon is mostly in pantheon and places or histories involving countries and lands.

Re: FK World vs. FR World

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:06 am
by Balek
Amphail itself doesn't exist, but it's perfectly fine to have a character who comes from there (although obviously you wouldn't be able to actually go there unless someone builds it). A citizen of any city can reasonably claim to be from the surrounding area instead. Lots of people who make ranger and druid characters play them as being from the surrounding countryside instead of from the city itself.

Generally FK and FR match up pretty well. The biggest issue is that things change in the FR universe and we don't always take up the changes. At some points in FR history, Mithril Hall is occupied by duergar and at other times it's been retaken by shield dwarves. Years ago Mithril Hall was built and there was a large RP to retake it, but since large world-changing events take a lot of work and coordination they don't happen too often. Some examples of the current state of FK:
  • Mithril Hall has been retaken by the dwarves.
  • Zhentil Keep is still run by Manshoon rather than Fzoul.
  • The Time of Troubles has already come and gone.
  • Waukeen has been restored.
  • Bane has not returned.
  • Citadel Felbarr may or not be occupied by orcs (Citadel of Many Arrows)
Many things that happen in FR may or may not actually ever happen here, and many things may happen out of order. Some areas simply haven't been discussed or defined (like Citadel Felbarr). On the other hand, some things have been deliberately changed for FK. Waterdeep will very soon be run by a group of elected lords that work for the secret Lords. This isn't the way FR works, but it should be good fun for people here so we changed it.

Hopefully that's enough to help you develop your character. If you have any questions or need clarification on anything feel free to ask.

Re: FK World vs. FR World

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:08 am
by Ssinurulynn
Thank you so much to all of you for your quick replies and your comments, I very much appreciate them. Thanks for not only answering my question but making me feel very welcome as well. I look forward to maybe getting a chance to meet you in game, and I promise I won't rub anything in anyone's nose, heh, that's really not my style :).
Thanks again.

Re: FK World vs. FR World

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:27 am
by Isaldur
I would also like to point out that Waterdeep in FR is currently dabbling in changing the form of government to a republic instead of a the usual oligarchy. This has been done by an election where Waterdhavians voted for three candidates, and then two more will be chosen without their consent from the ranks of the Watch. How this works out will remain to be seen.

Re: FK World vs. FR World

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:19 am
by Glim
Glim wrote:-- Superior: This is something I was always under the impression that is one of the differences between FK and FR. I was under the impression that in FK, all gods are equal and one does not necessarily rules over or is lesser or more powerful than another. I'd actually like to know if this is correct.
This is an excert from someone noticing that Malar is under Talos in FR canon.

Re: FK World vs. FR World

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:14 am
by Kallias
I'd say the canon deity ranks apply - but on an individual power level, just like in FR, it doesn't matter what your deity's divine rank is in regards to your clerics' "power"

A cleric of a demigod is in no way hindered mechanically when compared to a cleric of an major god...the deficits or advantages lay in the flavor of the setting. I personally think it'd be very cool if tensions between allied gods' clerics rose - as you see very often in any evil deity alliance, or very commonly in alliances where the two gods are much too similar for eachothers' tastes (helm, torm).