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[EVENT] Reception at the Spires of Morning (Lathander)

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:13 am
by Saranya
Hear Ye!

All citizens and residents of Waterdeep, and all faithful and devoted of the Morninglord, are invited to a reception at the Spires of Morning in Waterdeep located off of Julthoon Street, just north and west of the Market Square. Big pointy building, you can't miss it!

The event will be hosted in celebration of the closing of the Claw of Winter, the appointment of the new Lords, and because Lathandites love parties! The galleries and gardens will be open to all with peace in their hearts (as always!) Light refreshments and drinks will be provided.


Lady Saranya of Lathander,
Lord Councillor of Waterdeep and Corporal of the Watch

OOC: Confirmed time. I will be holding these regularly from now on at rotating times to rejuvenate the love of all things sunny! :D

Re: [EVENT] Reception at the Spires of Morning (Lathander)

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:43 pm
by Saranya
OOC: I had tentative maybes from two hopefuls for today, so we're going with the above time (which is in about six hours!) I'll schedule another one in a couple weeks for those who can't make today. :D

Re: [EVENT] Reception at the Spires of Morning (Lathander)

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:23 am
by Saranya
Thanks to everyone who showed up for this, even the early-arrivals who drank all the wine!

We'll have another one soon. The theme will be kidnapping a certain mage's infants until she returns our pie. :twisted:

Re: [EVENT] Reception at the Spires of Morning (Lathander)

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 5:04 pm
by Saranya
To all in the vicinity of Waterdeep:

An informal gathering will soon be held in the gardens of the Spires of Morning in Waterdeep. All of peaceful intent are welcome to attend and chat on any subject of interest. I especially invite those with interest in learning more of the Dawn's Church and the Delight of His calling.

Bountiful food and drinks will be provided! Please contact me directly with any questions or concerns.


Lady Saranya of Lathander

OOC: Proposed time. Please PM with availability. :D

Re: [EVENT] Reception at the Spires of Morning (Lathander)

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:11 am
by Saranya
By request, I bumped the proposed time up an hour. I'll stick around as long as I can for people who can make it later! :D

Re: [EVENT] Reception at the Spires of Morning (Lathander)

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:00 pm
by Saranya
OOC: Many apologies for the late notice, but I had an emergency come up and will not be able to stay long for tomorrow's event. I'll try to attend for the first hour, but then I have to catch a flight. I'll reschedule next week for anyone who can not make it that early.

Re: [EVENT] Reception at the Spires of Morning (Lathander)

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:39 pm
by Rhianon
Thank you for making the Spires a good place to have events, I have no way of logging onto FK any longer as my connection does not work with Vista and I had to replace my other computer. Glad to know there are those who are continuing to utilize the Spires.

Re: [EVENT] Reception at the Spires of Morning (Lathander)

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 3:15 pm
by Saranya
Thank you Rhia! It was nice to see you though I only had a few minutes. And thanks to everyone who attended! This was a lot of fun and I'm very sorry I had to leave early.

Faith people: please feel free to PM me for follow-ups. I owe a couple of you stuff, but don't have a good way to contact most.

I'll schedule another Spires Party soon, if someone doesn't beat me to it! :wink:

Re: [EVENT] Reception at the Spires of Morning (Lathander)

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 3:27 pm
by Rhianon
With some help from the friendly people on the chat room I now have a way to log in, so maybe, just maybe, if life doesn't get in the way I will be on a couple times a year or so. Thank you so much!

Re: [EVENT] Reception at the Spires of Morning (Lathander)

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 12:40 pm
by Saranya
Hear ye!

There will be a reception at the Spires this week to celebrate the end of Leafall. All of goodly heart and intent are invited to partake in ample food and beverages and revel in the joy of each other's company! Faithful and Hopeful of the Morninglord are especially encouraged to attend.

Lady Saranya of Lathander
Lord Councillor of Waterdeep and Corporal of the Watch

OOC: Confirmed Time. Sorry for the late notice. I'm back online and playing mad catch-up, but I'll get these going regularly again.

Hopefuls: please either attend a reception or otherwise contact/PM me to update your status! :lol:

Re: [EVENT] Reception at the Spires of Morning (Lathander)

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 3:04 pm
by Ramirus
Adil should be able to attend.

Re: [EVENT] Reception at the Spires of Morning (Lathander)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 4:08 pm
by Saranya
hmm...seem to have trouble connecting to the game today. I'll keep trying. Sorry in advance if I run late. :|

Re: [EVENT] Reception at the Spires of Morning (Lathander)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 4:40 pm
by Ramirus
Due to a late change, depending how long it runs, Adil will be either late or unable to make it. I'll try to catch up with you in some form.

Re: [EVENT] Reception at the Spires of Morning (Lathander)

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:42 pm
by Saranya
Call to the Faithful!

There will be a reception at the Spires to share in reflection of our Faith during this Month of Fading. Though this is especially a time of celebration and contemplation for the Dawn's Faith, all of goodly heart and intent are of course also invited to enjoy the hospitality of the Morninglord's Temple in Waterdeep.

Lady Saranya of Lathander
Lord Councillor of Waterdeep and Corporal of the Watch

OOC: Confirmed Time. Note time change! 8)

Re: [EVENT] Reception at the Spires of Morning (Lathander)

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 2:22 pm
by Saranya
Alrighty, that seemed to work for no one... :lol:

Let's try A couple hours later. We'll go with this time & I'll try to schedule something next week too.

Re: [EVENT] Reception at the Spires of Morning (Lathander)

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 4:29 pm
by Saranya
Thanks again to everyone who attended. :D It was great fun and I especially like seeing some older PC's dusted off! I'll try to be more clear in the announcements, but all goodly/neutral folk are invited, not just the Morninglord's faithful!

Hopefuls/Questees/Etc. - Don't be shy about dropping me a PM or in-game tell to meet up!

Re: [EVENT] Reception at the Spires of Morning (Lathander)

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:27 pm
by Saranya
Hear ye!

A summons is made to all Faithful to meet and discuss current Church business and theological matters! We will meet in the Spires of Morning in Waterdeep for short discussions, followed by a Reception open to all Goodly Folk in the vicinity of Waterdeep. Ample food and drinks will be provided, along with a Special Performance not to be missed!!

Lady Saranya of Lathander
Lord Councillor of Waterdeep and Corporal of the Watch

Please note: Henceforth, visiting Mystrans must have a designated wizard flyer (DWF) if they wish to partake in alcohol.

OOC: Confirmed time. I'm particularly looking to meet with current Hopeful and Questees. (You know who you are! 8) )

Re: [EVENT] Reception at the Spires of Morning (Lathander)

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:09 am
by Orplar
Is this event still a go?

Re: [EVENT] Reception at the Spires of Morning (Lathander)

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:17 am
by Saranya
It is! I was still waiting to hear back from some people, but let's go with that time and I'll schedule something else for the other stuff. 8)

Re: [EVENT] Reception at the Spires of Morning (Lathander)

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:02 pm
by Orplar
Just a reminder. This event starts in about 2 hours.