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Waterdeep Civic Center

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 9:14 pm
by Takket
Citizens and friends of Waterdeep,
The Lords have passed a proposal to begin construction on a public civic center. We've decided this would be a great opportunity for people to get involved with the goings on of their city and as such, everyone is invited to take part in this endeavor.

The civic center will be a large structure built to house different facilities dedicated to public use. Such facilities would include things like:
Specialized classrooms
An auction hall
A welcome/city information center
A court room
A Library
These are just a few rooms and the final structure will include many, many more.

We're currently still in the designing phase and as such we are encouraging people to come forward with their ideas for additions to the center. If you think you know of a room or facility the public would like to have and use, bring it forward! Once we get the design laid out, we'll move into the actual construction of the building. During this time, we'll be asking those who want to customize and add their own touch to their proposed room(s) to help with the construction. This may take the form of gathering material or providing tools and aids, or actually helping with some of the labor. Also during this time, we'll be accepting donations to decorate the center such as paintings, sculptures, fountains or even written works like poems to be carved into cornerstones and such. And, if you want to contribute, but don't know how come forward anyway and we'll happily find a way to include you.

All questions, suggestions and requests should be directed to Takket Keppur.

OOC: This will progress in two stages. The first will be just gathering ideas and laying everything out. I'll put a deadline on this eventually, but there isn't one yet. Feel free to approach me in game or send me a PM with ideas (be prepared to explain those ideas to some extent). The second stage will be actually gathering descriptions and such for things. This will include RP aspects to it.

If you've got an idea at all, don't be afraid to bring it up. Most of this will be treated as IC, so if you contribute, your character will work on it IC and get credit for it IC. Just please make sure it makes sense for your character to be contributing.

Re: Waterdeep Civic Center

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 3:22 am
by Gwain
There's a preexisting courtroom in the city, is it possible to include the crimes list in this courtroom as well or is each area limited to one crimes list?

Re: Waterdeep Civic Center

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 4:38 am
by Moloch
This is a lovely idea, and Sir Victor Aure de'Laramie lends his hand in whichever manner it can be best utilized.

Re: Waterdeep Civic Center

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 10:16 am
by Raona
Raona would like to suggest the structure include an area aimed at the facilitation of trade, consisting of a Merchant Records Office and a Merchant Court. The records office would contain notice boards dedicated to the purpose of posting and documenting items for sale or wanted, and the making of firm offers in response to such. The merchant court would have responsibility for adjudicating trade disputes between parties making use of the records office system. This combination would bolster Waterdeep's position as the best place to conduct trade in the realms - a means of advertising, an easier means of finding what one is looking for, and some legal protection should things go sour. (Think of it as the yellow pages and the better business bureau rolled up into one!)

I've already worked up descriptions for these places (I had originally suggested them as a stand-alone entity, but it seems to fit much better into this area!).

This is a wonderful idea, Takket, thank you for spearheading it!

Re: Waterdeep Civic Center

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 5:38 am
by Takket
I'm still collecting ideas for this at the moment. I've already gotten several very good ones and I thank everyone that has contributed this far. I'll be continuing to accept ideas until the end of Saturday, June 6th. After that, I'll move on to the next phase, which I will describe then.

If you've got an idea that you want to see added as a public facility or something along those lines, please don't hesitate to bring it forward. Furthermore, if you're curious as to what is already included, Takket has a draft of the layout. I look forward to hearing from people!

Re: Waterdeep Civic Center

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:52 pm
by Takket
We've still got room to add on to this so I'm going to extend the deadline to Saturday, June 13th. I've gotten some good ideas so far, but still looking for more. Below is the tentative draft of what we have so far. Any comments, suggestions or complaints are welcomed.


Re: Waterdeep Civic Center

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 7:59 pm
by Leveran
I concur that this is an absolutely fantastic idea, first and foremost. I was talking to someone just recently how I'd like to see a better place for RP than Market Square, and I think this would definitely be it!

I think a concession area of some sort would be a good idea. A place where people can eat and drink. Some basics would be cool, but maybe some specialized items too (deep fried banana on a stick? Elephant ears, like, real ones? :D

Maybe a 'beer garden' would be fun too, as well as basic drinks. Maybe a gnomish invention: Fizzybubblejuice or something emulating soda pop.

Playground for the tikes? Perhaps an offshoot of the nursery?

Gambling Hall? I'd like to see this integrated for real sometime. A place where coin can be honestly spent (And mostly lost, but perhaps with some occasional legit payoffs).

Umm, I guess that's all I can think of for the moment, but there are certainly other things that could go into this. Once again, beautiful idea!

Re: Waterdeep Civic Center

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 5:29 am
by Takket
I've gotten a good number of suggestions from people and at this time, we are ready to move forward. What we need now are people to help with the construction of the center. We will also be needing people to contribute decorations and such for the halls. If you wish to take part in this endeavor please let Takket Keppur know. Initially, we will be asking those who proposed ideas if they would like to build those ideas. Please note that you are by no means obligated to build what you suggested. We look forward to working with all of you.

Takket Keppur

OOC: Sorry, I'm late on getting this rolling. Things have gotten a little weird for me, so this may end up getting slowed down a bit. In any case, I'm ready to start accepting room descriptions and the like. Those that gave ideas will be given the first opportunity to write descriptions for the rooms they proposed (though as noted above, you aren't obligated to do so). Furthermore, we're looking for little extra descriptions to decorate the halls and such so if you have a bard or any other creative character that has any ideas they might want to see (such as contributing witch lights for illumination, planting flowers, painting something, weaving a rug, etc.) feel free to bring it up. Furthermore, if you are familiar with building and want to write something simple to interact with, that would be welcomed as well.