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[SPELL] Flame Blade (revamp)

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 4:26 am
by Segras
I noticed while casting flame blade that the size of the blade is fixxed, no matter the PC's size...

I am just suggesting that you be able to determine the size of the blade or the size is remains fixxed according to PC size and is always one-handed. As is, the flame blade prayer creates a medium sized scimitar, which unfortunately for Segras, is a two-handed blade.

Perhaps something like:

cast 'flame blade' <size>




The size remains fixxed, but is determined by PC's size so that it is always one-handed.

PC size/Blade size:

Small PC - Tiny Blade
Medium PC - Small Blade
Large PC - Medium Blade
Huge PC - Large Blade

*shrug* It would be more IC, as scimitars are meant to be wielded one-handed and the PC wouldn't intentionally create a blade that he/she has trouble wielding in the first place.

Re: [SPELL] Flame Blade (revamp)

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:52 am
by Aveline
Seems like a good idea to me. All of the weapon size coding confuses me, but I think this is a good idea if it can be implemented easily enough. I can't see my little gnome trying to make a huge weapon that she'd have to hold in both hands.

Re: [SPELL] Flame Blade (revamp)

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:57 am
by Leveran
Haven't seen the code myself, of course, but it should be pretty easy... if a spell like conjure elemental can summon a variety of types, this would work similarly. Just specifiy the type at the end and it would spit out the proper type. To my knowledge though, small/med/large would be the only types neccesary, unless there are tiny humanoid 'pets' that can wield weapons.

Re: [SPELL] Flame Blade (revamp)

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 3:58 pm
by Segras
Yeah, it eliminates the ability to use shieldwork with it, not that Segras uses shields particuarly, but you never know, someone might have druid that does... also, if the blade size was fixxed to be one size smaller than your PC, you would be able to use Weapon Finesse with it. :D

Re: [SPELL] Flame Blade (revamp)

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 4:55 am
by Cret
I was wondering it it would be possible to place an 'extinguish' command on the weapon to junk it.