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[ALCHEMY RITUAL or SPELL] Elemental Imbue

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:36 am
by Segras
I've seen a quite a few characters with flaming/icy weapons, but upon asking the PC where it came from, it is always from some sort of quest.

My idea can either be as a spell or as an extention of the alchemy ritual.

Using the shards as components, you imbue a weapon with an elemental quality. Either in the form of a +1 to a certain attribute based on shard used or a +1 to a certain skill or mechanics (like defence/hr/dr/etc)

Positive (Glowing): +1 Intelligence or +1 to Search (or other int based skill) or +1 to Divination or just does an extra bit of damage to evil aligns.

Negative (Shadow/Darkened/?): +1 Charisma or +1 to Hide (or a cha based skill) or +1 to Illusion or just does an extra bit of damage to good aligns.

Earth (Stone/Earthen ?): +1 Constitution or +1 to AC (or other con based skill) or +1 to Earth Based Spells or just does an extra bit of damage that is earth based.

Air: (Airy/ ?): +1 Dexterity or +1 HR (or a dex based skill) or +1 Air Based Spells or just does an extra bit of damage thats air based.

Fire (Flaming Flag): +1 Strength or +1 DR (or a str based skill) or +1 Fire Based Spells or just does an extra bit of damage thats fire based.

Water (Wet/Moist or ?): +1 Wisdom or +1 (wisdom based skill) or +1 to Water Based Spells or just does an extra bit of damage thats water based.

There is a lot of other possibilities, this is just a rough outline. Maybe make it cost the PC a reasonable amount in the form of shards needed etc.
Or once imbued the item in question has a level req. set on it, so an alchemist can't just go around creating magical weapons and handing them out to everyone.

This way, people can have *more* unique weapons by either forging one and having it imbued, or buying one they like ingame and having it imbued. This way you don't see every PC in the game walking around with the same quest reward item or the same faith supplicated item all the time. It could also be applicable to armor/clothing, but limit it to only pieces worn in a certain location, like <worn on body>

Re: [ALCHEMY RITUAL or SPELL] Elemental Imbue

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 3:56 pm
by Yevel
I actually like this idea a lot, and it corresponds with those characters that roleplay with nature and would have a very sound knowledge of such.

But I only see goodies get a benefit from this as there is no evil druids besides malarites or rangers. How would you let evils get this benefit as well?

Re: [ALCHEMY RITUAL or SPELL] Elemental Imbue

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:15 pm
by Aveline
I like the idea, but there is already a spell/prayer like it in game. I've only seen it used with clerics...but
Weapon of Energy
Range: Personal
Target: Inventory
Syntax: cast 'weapon of energy' <object> <fire/cold/acid/electricity>

This spell imbues a weapon in the caster's hand with one of four forms of
energy, making it cause energy damage in addition to the weapon's base

This spell cannot be learned by an abjurer

(A) 7th Level Cleric Spells (B) 7th Level Wizard Spells
(C) Magic Domain

Re: [ALCHEMY RITUAL or SPELL] Elemental Imbue

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:21 pm
by Leveran
Aveline wrote:I like the idea, but there is already a spell/prayer like it in game. I've only seen it used with clerics...but
Weapon of Energy
Range: Personal
Target: Inventory
Syntax: cast 'weapon of energy' <object> <fire/cold/acid/electricity>

This spell imbues a weapon in the caster's hand with one of four forms of
energy, making it cause energy damage in addition to the weapon's base

This spell cannot be learned by an abjurer

(A) 7th Level Cleric Spells (B) 7th Level Wizard Spells
(C) Magic Domain
Hmm, I think what's being proposed is something more permenent though, an actual weapon enchantment. Knowing the spell is in game, though, should actually make such things a tad easier codewise.

Re: [ALCHEMY RITUAL or SPELL] Elemental Imbue

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:38 am
by Segras
Hmm.. as far as benefit for evils. If it was incorporated as a ritual in the alchemy trade, anyone can learn alchemy as far as I know, so the evils would just have to learn the trade, or if not IC for your character, find an evil that has learned alchemy and pay them to do it for you.

I reread my previous post and the +1 would be a little low bonus compared to some of the items you get from quests, but maybe it could add +1 up to +3 depending on your skill with the trade. It was a rough outline, I'm sure it could be tweaked and perfected so that everyone could have some benefit from it.

It is kind of like how the drow use the radiated underdark crystals to strengthen their armor and weapons. Make them more durable/keen etc... but via alchemy. And since there is a clerical spell that does something sort of like this (didn't know about that), it would be best as an extention to alchemy. :D That way everyone can use it.

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:15 am
by Julthain
The +1 to attributes is a bit much. Maybe just add extra damage in the form of the element it was imbued with, if it was a blade, or other warrior type weapon.

Though, you could also tie this into woodworking by adding the weapon types: Wand and Staff(Not quarterstaff, full length version) to the craftable weapons list. This would just create a "blank" staff/wand.

The skills wandmaking/staffmaking would come in at this point, along with alchemy. The skills themselves would determine success/failure and number of charges the staff/wand is granted. Then with the "enchantment" ritual in alchemy, you "imbue" them with the spell of your choice. (I would suggest making it balanced between brew/scribe and only allow level 1-5 spells with a restriction on certain spells I suppose.)

You would of course need elemental shards (perhaps large) that relate in someway... fuzzy on this part. And enough components to cast the spell of choice (three times like brew I guess :shrug:)

The result, of course would be a staff or wand imbued with the spell you chose.

Other than that you could cut alchemy out of the picture entirely, and have an "enchant item" spell or something of the sort, that enchants blank wands/staves created with woodworking.

So you could use alchemy to enchant forged/non-magical/carved weapons with the element itself for extra damage, or enchant spell+blank wand/staff to add spell charges.

Re: [ALCHEMY RITUAL or SPELL] Elemental Imbue

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 3:42 am
by Skeas
Leveran wrote:the spell is in game.
i'm not entirely sure. a few spells have been either moved or taken out recently and i think this might be one of them.

Re: [ALCHEMY RITUAL or SPELL] Elemental Imbue

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:03 am
by Gwain
Its is in the game. The most recent changes to the game have been concerning feats. Basically almost any spell helpfile that makes mention of a domain and the level of the spell or prayer in reference to the memorization and spells list is in the game and coded. The lack of use might be because it is a high level spell that has yet to be opened to trainers, a spell with access only as a domain currently or that it can only be discovered through peer to peer teaching or by quests.

Re: [ALCHEMY RITUAL or SPELL] Elemental Imbue

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:49 am
by Alaudrien
wow I can't believe I missed this post. I think it would be pretty awesome as an alchemical thing but I would think to make it wear off over time unless...perhaps put in the spell permanency to use in conjunction that would have a pretty hefty component cost sorta like continual light and then once enchanting with the alchemical rituals you cast permanency and the flag sticks without a timer to wear it off?

Re: [ALCHEMY RITUAL or SPELL] Elemental Imbue

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:51 am
by Skeas
Ah, I only meant that it more than likely didn't have a trainer

I'm not sure I've ever seen the spell casted or anything, either. And definitely not casted enough that someone might expert it that they might train it.

nor do I remember reading of it in any of the domain helpfiles...

There's something I'm missing, probably.

Re: [ALCHEMY RITUAL or SPELL] Elemental Imbue

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 5:58 am
by Aveline
Help Magic Domain
Level Six - Weapon of Energy

Re: [ALCHEMY RITUAL or SPELL] Elemental Imbue

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:36 pm
by Julthain
Yes, there is a spell, but it is not permanent. I was talking more along the lines of actually enchanting something, not merely casting a timed spell on it.

Re: [ALCHEMY RITUAL or SPELL] Elemental Imbue

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:18 pm
by Gwain
I don't recommend any spell like this being permanent without a high level of failure or an incredibly costly fee. The reason would be abuse of the ritual to create dozens of weapons like this for everyone, which would never run out and could unbalance the game. A ritual like this could imbue an item with an enchantment that only runs down the clock when you wield it, and does not when you do not use it. That seems more balanced.

Re: [ALCHEMY RITUAL or SPELL] Elemental Imbue

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 8:38 am
by Duranamir
I really like this idea.

What i think might be nice is that through alchemy you can create a magical stone which then has the ability to cast the relevant weapon enhancement spell. You could have a range of stones covering the different weapon enhancements and potentially even create stones for other purposes.

For example :-

'Stone of weaponsfire'

You need 2 * large fire shard, 1 * large positive shard and a ruby.

Resulting stone cast a long duration 'Weapon of energy' fire on the chosen weapon.

'Stone of enhancement'

You need 3 * large positive shard and a diamond

Resulting stone casts a long duration 'magic weapon' on the chosen weapon.


Re: [ALCHEMY RITUAL or SPELL] Elemental Imbue

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:18 am
by Julthain
Yeah, that would work and would give a bigger range of things you can do with alchemy. If it came down to it, I would rather it be a permanent deal and have a very high expense to create.

Thats just me though, I'd be happy with anything that furthers the game towards more magic. :P