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Auction of Goods and Services in Daggerford

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:21 pm
by Kesiel
On behalf of the church of Waukeen I, Kesiel Tingilinde, will be hosting an auction in the city of Daggerford at this time: ... c=0&p1=136

The details of the auction are as follows:

i. The auction will be open to all who are permitted entry to the city.
ii. There will be a cover charge of 15 platinum per seller, as set by the church of the Merchant's Friend.
iii. Each seller may enter as many lots as pleases them.
iv. Goods, componants and services may all be auctioned.
v. There is no entry charge for people wishing just to buy or spectate.

25 per cent of the entry fee is to be donated to the Church of the Merchant's Friend. Anyone wishing to take part can contact Kesiel Tingilinde via magical post or amulet in advance.

OOC: If you'd like to get involved and you can't make this time, please post and hopefully we can organise a time convenient to as many people as possible.

Re: Auction of Goods and Services in Daggerford

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 7:06 pm
by Lerytha
OOC: good plan! Did you mean 19th January 2008, though? :)

Re: Auction of Goods and Services in Daggerford

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 7:28 pm
by Kesiel
/me pretends that didn't happen


Re: Auction of Goods and Services in Daggerford

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:40 am
by Raona
Specific location within Daggerford?

Re: Auction of Goods and Services in Daggerford

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 7:19 pm
by Kesiel
Specific location: I'll drop a sign just inside Daggerford to let people know when I know myself!

Lots already confirmed (having a plane-striding mother has its uses ;) )

Braces crafted from the hide of a green abishai
Elemental ice, which when eaten lessen the bite of chill
A vest of wrok hide from the Abyss
Curative potions

However, I'm still looking to hear from more sellers - so please get in touch! :)

Re: Auction of Goods and Services in Daggerford

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 5:07 pm
by Lerytha
Don't forget this is starting soon! :)

Re: Auction of Goods and Services in Daggerford

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 9:21 pm
by Yevel
I would like to personally thank you for this event, was a great chance to see players from all around and get to see some awesome items!

Re: Auction of Goods and Services in Daggerford

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 9:30 pm
by Aveline
This was a lot of fun! Thanks Kes! There was a lot of money to be made too. All those rich young whippersnappers throwing their money around. ;) We should have more events like this every so often and hopefully other older characters will come about to show off and sell of some of those things they hoard :)

Re: Auction of Goods and Services in Daggerford

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 9:38 pm
by Kesiel
A huge thank you to everyone who attended - this just wouldn't have run without you! And if anyone decides they have a lot of junk kicking around, I'm pretty sure Miss Tingilinde would be happy to help you shift the piles of things you've accumulated over the years. ;)

Re: Auction of Goods and Services in Daggerford

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 9:57 pm
by Lerytha
Thanks for running this, Kesiel! It was very fun, and a lot of profit was made by a very small amount of people. :D Maybe next time we'll have more heroes there with a lot more. I know I'll have a more brutal cleaning of my cache! :) It was a very fun event, where we were able to share a few tales, have a few laughs, and make a lot of money. It was a good event. Thank you again and for everyone who came. With events like these its only made by those who come, so thanks for taking the time out to come.