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Public Meeting of the Lords

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 9:37 am
by Takket
Citizens and Friends of the great city of Waterdeep,
The Open Lords of Waterdeep will be holding the first of several public meetings. These meetings are open to and held for the public's involvement. Anyone and everyone interested in speaking with the Lords on city business is encouraged to attend. Suggestions, concerns, questions or requests will all be entertained. If you wish to attend, but are unable to do so, fret not! Future meetings will be held at different times to accommodate as many people as wish to join in. We look forward to seeing and speaking with all of you.

Takket Keppur

OOC: This meeting will be held at the following time: ... c=0&p1=197.

Re: Public Meeting of the Lords

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:31 am
by Takket
This has been arranged to be held in the auditorium south of the auction house.