Skill sets

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Skill sets

Post by Lathlain » Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:34 am

There are going to be a lot of different things to do over the course of the revamp project, but I'm not expecting you to do everything!

What I'd like to know, before we get stuck in, is what parts of the job you'd like to help with. Do you fancy coming up with replacement room descriptions? Are you more of a colour person, themeing areas and making sure things don't get too garish? Perhaps you'd like to focus on NPCs and their descriptions - possibly even doing the text for some greet programs (things they say in response to a player walking in)? We'll also need people to look at item availability, and to suggest improvements on what's currently there (do we really want a Zhentilar skirt and Coif on sale in Zhentil Keep? What would look more suitable?). Not forgetting quests either - some of those quest givers could probably learn to be more concise in their requests after all!

Let me know what you think, and we'll see how best to accomodate you.
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Re: Skill sets

Post by Nearraba » Sun Jul 26, 2009 1:12 pm

To many choices to pick from! =D

Hmm... Well, I'd be interested in helping with assortments of everything, if it's needed. Though I think, I would be best at helping with the NPC's. Their description, color, and greeting progs. =)
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Re: Skill sets

Post by Peverell » Sun Jul 26, 2009 3:22 pm

* Spellchecking / grammar pedantry
* Room descriptions
* NPC descriptions
* Tidying up eg broken colour codes, text formatting, thematic consistency

I'd LOVE to help update some quest mobs - expanding the keywords they respond to (so you're not stuck playing the "how many ways can I rephrase this sentence?" game) and clarifying their requests. Vague quest demands with equally vague qlog entries drive me up the wall.
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Re: Skill sets

Post by Gwain » Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:04 pm

I'm want to fix room descriptions and add lore and history to existing areas. I have a good mind for remembering events both imm driven and player wrought in Waterdeep.
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Re: Skill sets

Post by Elke » Sun Jul 26, 2009 5:52 pm

Like Nearraba, honestly, the answer is probably a little of all of them. I would probably say mostly colourising, room descriptions, NPC descriptions and spelling and grammar (It's -retch-, not 'wretch' when you throw up, and the desert desc telling you that you 'sweat heavily through your many layers' just, doesn't work.)
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Re: Skill sets

Post by Larethiel » Sun Jul 26, 2009 7:05 pm

The same for me as for Gwain, as well as item-descriptions and NPCs.
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Re: Skill sets

Post by Briek » Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:51 pm

A bit of everything sounds good, I have pretty much every sourcebook going and can quote quite a bit of FR lore and where some of it is lacking in FK.
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Re: Skill sets

Post by Pirro » Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:59 pm

Proofreading and room descriptions for me, along the same lines as Pev.
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Re: Skill sets

Post by Langley » Sun Jul 26, 2009 9:25 pm

I would like to help with room/item/npc descriptions.
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Re: Skill sets

Post by Damyanik » Mon Jul 27, 2009 6:25 am

I would also add room/item/mod re-descrips but also anything quest reviewing, where needed, logic (like other mobs in the room giving you the item back if you give it to the wrong one 'sorry, perhaps you meant to give it to the other gentlemen,') and canon accuracy, (belladonna leaves should be harmful when eaten.) Also, spell checking books, if that ever becomes possible.
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Re: Skill sets

Post by Lirith » Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:41 am

I'm good at general pedantry, e.g. spellchecking, proof reading, grammar, checking for consistency, stuff like that. I'd also like to help with any colour work and I'm good at amending and adding to descriptions for rooms/mobs, although not so good at creating them from scratch.

I'll have a go with anything I'm given.
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Re: Skill sets

Post by Ramirus » Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:07 pm

I'd like to help with writing room/NPC/item descs, and I think I could help out with making quest givers more concise and clear.
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Re: Skill sets

Post by Skeas » Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:34 pm

I'm down to rewrite the descriptions of anything, really. I'd also like to add extra descriptions to a lot of rooms- That is, if there's a fruit stall in the room description, I'd like to add a little something for people to see should they type "look stall"
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Re: Skill sets

Post by Keltorn » Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:29 pm

I'm a grammar and spelling person, though I've helped fix broken color codes in the help files from time to time as well.
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Re: Skill sets

Post by Alaudrien » Mon Jul 27, 2009 6:24 pm

Room/item/npc Descs and adding colours are my specialty. The area I'm working to make now I got mazikeen doing the coding to all the descs and mapping I've done ^.^

Also a question. When working on the revamping project It might be helpful for those faiths that give supp item tokens for a quest as part of there faith we might try and add in the ones that lack the quest for such items. So far I think its Sune/Tyr..maybe Tymora or something. I'd have to have these checked to make sure though. Just a suggestion. ^.^
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