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Sword Bumbler
Sword Bumbler
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Joined: Sun Jul 12, 2009 12:09 pm
Location: Cormyr


Post by Langley » Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:29 pm

Starting from in front of the Helmite temple south to Sashtar street and east to the dead-end.

High Road
N-High Road E-Guard Barracks S-High Road W-The House of th
This street is one of the main streets in Waterdeep. It is heavily
traveled and the cobbles are well worn. Many shops and taverns line
the way. The street is well lit and patrolled heavily by Soldiers.
Above the shops are the homes of the store owners.

{70}This wide, and heavily traveled road leads northward to one of the
main gates of the city, which is clearly visible from here. In it's
opposite direction, the worn cobble road continues deeper into the
Waterdhavian metropolis. Tracing the road across its length road are
many fine looking tall buildings, with a mix of small workshops and
storefronts making up a bulk of the ground floors, with as many as
three more floors of living space above. Two buildings in particular
stand out here. To the west a large set of {30}heavy oaken double doors{70}
open into a structure that resembles a small fortress, crafted of
{F0}white marble{70} that bears the symbol of a gauntlet with an elaborate
{C0}eye{70} set in it's center. A similar {80}st{70}on{80}e{70} structure lies to the east,
though not quite as lavish in it's appearance and only wears the
symbol of the Waterdeep City Watch.

High Road
N-High Road E-Sashtar Street S-High Road W-Chasso's Street
This street is one of the main streets in Waterdeep. It is heavily
traveled and the cobbles are well worn. Many shops and taverns line
the way. The street is well lit and patrolled heavily by Soldiers.
Above the shops are the homes of the store owners.

{70}This wide, and heavily traveled road leads northward to one of the
main gates of the city, which is clearly visible from here. In it's
opposite direction, the worn cobble road continues deeper into the
Waterdhavian metropolis. Tracing the road across its length road are
many fine looking tall buildings, with a mix of small workshops and
storefronts making up a bulk of the ground floors, with as many as
three more floors of living space above. Two smaller streets branch
off from the High Road here. The narrower and northernmost of the
two looks little more than a grand alley leading to some nice houses
to the east. The larger of the roads leads west, and seems to head
deeper into a maze of tightly packed houses.

Sashtar Street
E-Sashtar Street W-High Road
The street is clean and soldier patrol the streets on a regular
basis keeping it safe for its noble denizens. Lanterns hang
above doorways keeping the street well lit. The houses are large
and grand. Shops are few and far between, as are Taverns.

{F0}This narrow street is well lit and maintained, adding to the wealthy
look of the houses that line it. Tall row houses make up the bulk of
the housing in this area, though two small {30}villas{F0} lie on the north
side of the street, and another modest {30}villa{F0} is on the southern side.
This small street continues to the east towards a curve, and to the
west it meets up with a very large road.

Sashtar Street
E-Tower March W-Sashtar Street
The houses in this part of Waterdeep are grand. These are the
homes of the nobles of Waterdeep. They are made of fine stone
and marble. Each house has a sconce above its door so that
this part of town is well lit, discouraging thieves.

This slightly curving street is well lit and maintained, adding to
the wealthy look of the houses that line it. Tall row houses make
up the bulk of the housing in this area, but the north end of the
bend in the road is dominated by the magnificent {B0}Thunderstaff villa{F0},
which sits in a {A0}grassy{70}, {20}tree{70} filled plot of land.

Tower March
N-Thann Villa E-Tower March S-Tower March W-Sashtar Street
The street is clean and soldier patrol the streets on a regular
basis keeping it safe for its noble denizens. Lanterns hang
above doorways keeping the street well lit. The houses are large
and grand. Shops are few and far between, as are Taverns.

{F0}A slight bending road from the west levels out onto Tower March here,
a wealthy street of well tended cobble and decorative {20}trees{70}. The
{70}houses{F0} and {B0}villas{70} of this street match the rich feel of this part
of town. Most of the villas of this area are medium sized, and many
are multi-storied. One of the most grand of the surrounding villas is
the three story mansion of the Thann family, which is indicated by
the impressive bronze lettering just outside the gate into the villa.
To the east, the road continues deeper into a cul-de-sac, fully
surrounded by villas.

Tower March
W-Tower March
The street is clean and soldier patrol the streets on a regular
basis keeping it safe for its noble denizens. Lanterns hang
above doorways keeping the street well lit. The houses are large
and grand. Shops are few and far between, as are Taverns.

{F0}The clean, {70}grey-{B0}white cobble of this narrow road opens here into
a circular cul-de-sac, decorated with several {A0}small trees{B0}. The
entire perimeter of this cul-de-sac is made of fine looking {B0}villas{F0},
many of multiple stories. To the west, the narrow road makes its
way back through more {B0}villas{F0} of a similar stature as those here.
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