Food and hunger

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Food and hunger

Post by Aveline » Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:45 pm

Alright, this is not a HUGE deal but I'd like to suggest that we slowly go through some of the food items in game and adjust the rate that they fill you up. I know not everything should fill you up after just one to two portions of it, but I don't think it should take 15 bowls of stew to fill you up either. And I also realize that these food things are keeping us fuller longer than they would IRL, but it is very annoying to have to spam eat 15 or more of something that should really be filling you up. It is one thing if you are buying peanuts, and another if you are eating a big juicy steak. I usually try to ignore hunger echoes if I'm in the middle of an rp, but if you wait too long the Starving/dying of thirst echoes can get annoying, and then if you wait longer than that...those little fairies can really get old. What I am looking for is things that are coded to look filling...should be more filling in some cases. I don't want to see people getting full by eating two strawberries. I also hate rping, sitting down to a meal with someone and having your character look like a pig because if they don't eat more than two of a certain item they'll be right back to starving again within a few minutes. I thing four of a main meal item is a good round number. Not that I like scarfing down four bowls of stew, but that is certainly better than fifteen. Maybe five for some of the things that are still bigger items, but things that are not meant to be a main meal. Again, not an emergency, or a huge deal, but it would be nice if this were looked into sometime. Or, would it be alright that if we come across some of these items that we feel could use a bit more oomph, could we perhaps email a list to the builders to have them looked into and tinkered with?
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Re: Food and hunger

Post by Alaudrien » Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:52 pm

I sorta feel that depending on the fillingness of food you should be more than one bite like a a roast pork platter in one bite is sorta like eh? Since it's pretty big and feeling it should be a few bites. Sorta like how you drink water and you get portions per drink. What if it was set up the way so if its very filling it takes 3 or 4 bites. So you have to carry only a bit to. Of course sometimes on some chars I get hungry at the wierdest times or am in the middle of an rp and it does get annoying. What if it was setup also that the more fighting or casting or what have you your doing the more you get hungry but if your just say in the market or somewhere and talking and rping you get hungry far less.
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Re: Food and hunger

Post by Yevel » Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:53 pm

Perhaps make PC made food fill you up longer than NPC food?

Like depending on the skill level and such.
Yevel, Warder of Ilmater
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Re: Food and hunger

Post by Larethiel » Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:43 pm

That calls the term Bufffood into my mind :D
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