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Object Quantity Modifiers

In most situations it is possible to specify a number of items to be affected
by a command by simply indicating the number, for example, GIVE 4 COPPER
, GET 3 QUILL PACK and BUY 5 ARROWS ELF. To work with all of the
objects meeting a particular criterion, use the
ALL. prefix. For example, to
put all of your coins into a pouch, use the command
However, substituting a number for
ALL, i.e., PUT 2.COPPER POUCH will not put
two copper coins into the pouch. (This is because this structure is reserved
as a means of differentiating between outwardly
identical items: see the
helpfile on
Object Identity Modifiers.)

One may repeat a given command by prefixing it with a number; hence,
will repeat the command EAT RATIONS, thrice. The use of this
functionality in combat is prohibited.

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