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The Aasimar bear the legacy of a celestial being, or even a deity in their
bloodline. Due to this, their potential for good in Faerun is almost
limitless. At the same time, their heritage marks them for ridicule or even
exile from many backwater, or superstitous communities.

Aasimar look human, save for one distinguishing feature from their ancestor.
For example, golden eyes, silver hair, emerald eyes, and so on. Though most
aasimar realize they are special, many do not understand their true heritage.
Latent bloodlines especially rarely know who, or even what type, of outsider
ancestor they possess.

Aasimar do not have any spells unique to their race, but many favor divine
spells, that enhance their innate abilities, or allow them to smite evil.
Aasimar generally seek the road of Paladin, or cleric of a Good God or
Goddess. Their innate goodness radiates from them and often helps them to
choose a path that involves fighting evil.

* Aasimar are not more than 1/8th celestial, not half.

Please note that your aasimar should not have wings without taking the
relevant feat first or an approved application for them.

Unless a planetouched character's traits are overtly obvious or they have
made it known, you should not roleplay as automatically knowing their
race/heritage. Rather they are just odd looking humans. One should also
consider whether they have a mask, hood, or armour that would further obscure
their features.

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