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Sir Andreas, High Knight of Helm

Born the third of four children, Andreas is the younger of two sons.
He was raised by his loving family on a sheep farm approximately 40
miles south of Triel. His might have been a simple life, following
the turn of the seasons and raising sheep, the trade of his family
for generations. But the God of Guardians had other plans for this
boy. At the tender age of seven his life would be changed forever.

He was finally old enough to accompany his father and older brother
to the spring market fair in Triel. He was singled out by a paladin
as being worthy for training in Helm's Shieldhall in Elturel. With
the well wishes of his family, he left home to begin his lifelong
servitude to The Watcher. He served as a page in the Shieldhall
until he was 16, at which time, with the disappearance and suspected
death of his Knight Sponsor, he was released to seek Squiredom on
his own.

He found himself drawn to Waterdeep, the City of Splendors. After
spending some time within the Font of Knowledge, he felt a need to
visit the Halls of Justice. Surely Helm was guiding young Andreas
that day for he met the very man who would become his new Knight
Sponsor to the ranks of paladinhood, Sir Aedwyn Vancour, High Knight
of the Order of the Merciful Sword.

Andreas spent several years under the tutelege of Sir Aedwyn, learning
from that noble man and many others. When not attending his lessons,
he did his best to serve the will of his Lord Helm through aiding
and protecting others. When the day came, he took his final vows with
joy at being found worthy to serve The Ever Vigilant One.

His most remarkable feature is his sheer presence. At nearly seven
feet in height and powerfully built, he tends to stand out in a crowd.
However, he is a gentle and thoughtful man with a quiet and humble
demeanor, never seeing himself as anything more than a servant to
Helm, the Great Guard.

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