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Animate Dead

Necromancy [Evil] Range: Close Target: Ignored Syntax: cast 'animate dead'

This spell turns the bones or bodies of dead creatures into undead skeletons
or zombies that follow your spoken commands. They remain animated until they
are destroyed.

Note: Elementals and other such Outsiders should not be animated using
animate dead. As well, Golems should not be animated either, since they have
no soul, and are not capable of being animated. Undead creatures should not
be reanimated.

Please note that it is currently not possible to animate the corpse of a PC
character. In time, it will be possible however and whilst this is allowed it
is recommended that you consider the feelings of the player behind the
character before using it.

Zombies created through use of this spell are not permanent. Keep this in
mind when considering how to use them. Do not use minions to farm in any
form. Zombies will disappear in combat if no master is present.

This spell cannot be cast by an illusionist This spell cannot be cast by a

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