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It is said that long ago when Waterdeep was little more than
a fishing village, the great mage Halaster came and built a
tower on the side of Mount Waterdeep. He conducted many an
experiment and soon his tower was not big enough for him.
So he started to expand his tower to underneath, building
tunnels. It is said that long before Halaster started building
tunnels in Mount Waterdeep it was the home of dwarves, long since
gone. The Mount is riddled with tunnels, and it has since
become known as Undermountain. Where Halaster is no one knows.
But fearsome creatures do roam Undermountain. Venture there if
you dare.

* The Undermountain is very dangerous. Enter it alone only at
your own risk!

* The Undermountain contains wards which cause your PC to forget
details of his or her travels within.

Undermountain is several areas:

Undermountain Level 1a made by Justicar and Dalvyn
Undermountain Level 1b made by Justicar and Dalvyn
Undermountain Level 2a made by Dalvyn
Undermountain Level 2b made by Dalvyn
Undermountain Level 3a made by Dalvyn
Undermountain Level 3b made by Dalvyn
Apprentices' Hideout made by Blythe Tyr Dalvyn
Trobriand's Graveyard made by Dalvyn
Willowwood made by Dalvyn
Testing Grounds made by Dalvyn
Elemental Temples made by Dalvyn
Dwarven Ruins made by Dalvyn

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