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Asterid Kairesh, Great Druidess of Chauntea

The most rare forms of halfelves, Asterid was born to a human mother, and sun
elven father. Her father fled her life before even her birth, while her
mother returned to Waterdeep, where she worked as a seamstress and maid for
one of the many noble families of the city. Growing up in the city was an odd
thing, she and her mother lived with the family until the unfortunate death
of her mother when Asterid reached the age of sixteen. The family was good to
her, offering her to stay with them, and work the job her mother had, however
Asterid was not comfortable staying where so much reminded her of the mother
she had lost.

Asterid was never fully comfortable with the bustle of the city, though she
did her best to fit in, and find odd jobs to support herself. She lived
uncomfortably in the city for many years before meeting two men of the Moon.
Moonpriest Nikkos, and a mysterious ranger known as Wolf. Before the two of
them, she had not truely found close friends in the city, or a very
comfortable niche. Nikkos and Wolf taught Asterid of the wilds, and the life
within it. Her visits to her home of Waterdeep became less frequent over
time, and she found herself enveloped in the reward of growing. She spent
quite a bit of time attempting to perfect a crop, to her it became the most
rewarding thing, to watch something grow. Because of this she found herself
seeking the path of Chauntea. She became more timid than she had been earlier
in life, spending her time working on the harvest, keeping quiet to herself.
Through her dedication, she was honored to recieve the position of High
Druidess within the circle, Chauntea choosing her as her mouthpiece.

These days Asterid can be found mostly within Shadowdale, helping to tend to
the many crops within the House of Plenty.

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