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Abjuration spells

1- Shield
2- Resist Element Spells (Cold, Electricity, Fire, Acid)
3- Alertness, Dispel Magic, Nondetection, Resilience, Valiance
4- Dimensional Anchor, *Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Remove Curse, Stone Skin
5- Break Enchantment, Dismissal
6- Antimagic Shell,
*Globe of Invulnerability
7- Banishment
8- Mind Blank
9- ----------

* The opposed and forbidden school to Abjuration is Transmutation

* These spells are not currently functioning, and fixing them is a low prioirty.
They will likely remain non-functional for some time.

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Abjuration Abjurers Alertness
Antimagic Shell Banishment Break Enchantment
Dimensional Anchor Dismissal Dispel Magic
Globe of Invulnerability Ironguts Mind Blank
Minor Globe of Invulnerability Nondetection Remove Curse
Resilience Resist Element Spells Shield
Stone Skin Transmutation Spells Valiance
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