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Ailyn Zephyr

Ailyn Zephyr is the sole daughter of Alexander Zephyr and Lyrica Alerona, who
both followed Lady Mystra as a great mage and devout priestess respectively.
Her mother, who was of celestial blood and where Ailyn gets much of her
appearance from, left them though when she was still quite young, leaving her
father to raise her alone in their home outside Silverymoon.

While growing up, her father taught her the ways of Mystra and of the Weave,
of which she enjoyed learning about very much. However, she never had a
talent for the arcane as her father had hoped, which lead to a bit of
frustration for Ailyn, until she found her calling instead as a priestess. At
age 16, she left home to adventure and to see the world outside of the walls.

After being brought into the faith by the then Dweomerkeeper, Cassia, Ailyn
worked hard in lessons and physical training. During this time, she made two
important friends to her, Areia and Aurora. And when the Siege of Silverymoon
happened, she came with the call to defend it, and later saved the city again
from being blown up from underneath.

Her life was not always grand though. When her father returned, he lead both
Ailyn and her returned mother into a trap, willing to sacrifice their souls
to a demon for power. Still not knowing what reason he had for turning his
back on Mystra, she still aches inside at the lose of both parents, and vows
to see her mother saved and her father brought to justice for his crime.

After her ordeal of feeling broken and defeated, she pulled herself together
and found her resolve, and was eventually named Dweomerkeeper of Mystra. She
does her best to keep the faith active, all while still adventuring and
working on other projects. One day, she hopes to give home to a number of
orphans left alone by the endless wars.

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