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Mistress of the Night, Lady of Loss, Dark Goddess, Nightsinger
Holy symbol: An obsidian disk with an amethyst border
(Actual in-game symbols may vary slightly on this theme)
Domains: Knowledge and Darkness
Cleric allowed alignments: LE, NE, CE
Follower allowed alignments: Any, mainly evil
Followers: Sharran
Enemies: Selune, Lathander, Shaundakul, Mystra
Allies: Talona
Faith Manager: Deity Managed

Shar is the goddess of dark, night, loss, forgetfulness, unrevealed secrets,
caverns, dungeons and the Underdark. She reflects the primal dark, the
flawless void erased at the beginning of time by a distant, unconcerned
overdeity. Her heart longs for a return to the calm of nonexistence, and
she schemes from the shadows to tear down establishments, destroy order,
and undermine all creation.

Shar's followers oppose those of Selune in that they do evil at night.
Her followers are encouraged to do evil and harm others. They are heavily
encouraged to kill the followers of Selune.

Followers of Shar may use their high favor to supplicate (see help
supplicate) for recall to a safe haven, and resurrection. If they
are extremely holy, they may ask for and receive artifacts of Shar.

Clergy of Shar's faith who have killed one of the clergy of Selune are
rumoured to gain access to an honorary order known as the Dark Justicars.

For more information on this deity we recommend:
* Please ignore all 4th edition and later information.

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Dark Justiciars - Shar Darkness Domain Dogma of Shar
Knowledge Domain List of Deities Notable Names in the Faith of Shar
Personality of Shar Serving Shar
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