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Archendale is one of the strongest and most influential of the Dales. It is
the largest trade center within the Dalelands, and also boasts the Dalelands'
most powerful army. Archendale views itself as the Dalelands' leader, an
attitude that does not win it many friends.

The Dale's only major town is Archenbridge, located at the mouth of the
valley where the Daerlun-Ordulin trail crosses the River Arkhen. Archenbridge
is one of the larger towns in the Dales, with a population of 1,100
year-round residents. The Dalelands' wealthiest merchants operate out of

"Most of the Dalesmen find little to like about the folk of Archendale. To be
sure, there are Archendalesmen who could try the patience of a saint. No one
has forgotten that matter with Sessrendale, either. For hundreds of years,
Sessrendale had been Archendale's chief rival - until the folk of Archendale
ended it by marching on them. Remember this when you visit Archendale.
They're a strong and hardy folk who guard the borderlands of the Dales, and
they don't care to be questioned so long as their army keeps the enemies of
the Dales at a distance." - Elminster

Area by Casamir.

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