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Areas built by Lorelie

Lorelie started building on the game within her first year of playing
the game. She has been been playing the game since soon after its opening
in the year 2000. Initially she worked as a team member on most of her
projects, but with each project she managed to complete more and more
area code for herself. Now she is proficient in all aspects of area code
and has many projects under construction on the testport.

Lorelie is a creative builder, who happily takes on projects left
uncompleted by others. She has also shown herself to be good at
converting areas made by Tyr and Blythe on other muds to the standards
of FKMud.

Completed Alone:
Pirate Isles, Combat Carnival, Westgate Carnival. House Armgo,
House Tlabbar, House Xorlarrin, Nightmask Headquarters, Twilight Hall,
Sapphire Star School of Music, House of Lies, House of Midnight,
The Gold Rose Mage School, Tower of Balance, House of Shadows

Completed with Tyr and Blythe:
Centaur's Grove, Yuirwood

Completed with Dalvyn and Blythe:
Fields of Triumph, Fighters Guilds

Completed with Blythe:
Tabaxi Lair, Berdusk, Isle of Rothe, Sewers of Tantras,
Skull Port - Central Trade Lanes, Skullport - Central Port,
Tantras, Citadel of Torm, Elemental Canyon, Brightwater

Completed with Dalvyn:
Westgate Sewers, Miresk's School of Thaumaturgy, Music School,
Beshaba's Temple

Completed with Andreas:
Vineland Abbey, Arbello Manor

Completed with Marcus:
Waterdeep City Watch

Completed with Dov and Blythe:
Zhentarim Headquarters

Completed with Blythe Betandor Tritherion Dalvyn Myn:

Completed with Trey Dalvyn:

Completed with Mielikki and Blythe:
Valley of the Gods

Completed with Blythe Betandor Eltsac Dalvyn:
School of Wonder

Completed with Galdran:
Corellon's Grove

Completed with Ostar Dalvyn Blythe:
Halls of Justice

Completed with Talon:
Morningdawn Hall

Completed with Loviatar:
Temple of the Barbed Whip

Completed with Mikhail:
Wedding Chapel

Completed with Tyr:

Completed with Cinara:
The Temple of Beauty

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