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Areas built by Tyr

Tyr, these days likes to do hard code, but back in 1997 after his first
son was born he built his first area for Mortal Realms. Several areas later
he became their Area Administrator. When FKMud was started, he moved away
from making areas to hard coding the game instead. He still helps with the
new area review process, and can be relied upon by builders to put in new
coding features that they desperately want.

Tyr was known on Mortal Realms as Jaxom. Many of the areas he built there
have been converted to FKMud's higher standards. Tyr is responsible for the
wilderness areas. For these he used a java program of his own design to
generate them, and an ascii map. The ascii map was tediously done by hand,
based on the second edition Forgotten Realms maps. The ascii map used can
be found on the maps section of the games website.

Wilderness Areas:

Completed Alone:
Aglarond, Amn, Anauroch, Calimshan, Cormyr, Dalelands, Heartlands,
Rashemen, Sea of Swords, Sembia, Sword Coast, Tethyr, Thay,
The Far North, The North, Trackless Sea

Wilderness Area Completed with Andreas:

Normal Areas:

Completed Alone:
Frozen Wastes, Alaron, Gwynneth, Shadowdale, Shadowlands, Shilmista
Dark Dominion, Sewers of Zhentil Keep, Ruins of Ascarle,

Completed with Blythe:
Ogres Den, Wyverns Tower, Hillvale, Dark Dominion,
Mines six of Mithril Hall, Tunnels of the Underdark,
Tunnels of the Underdark - 4, Underdark of Undermountain,
Zhentil Keep

Completed with Blythe and Lorelie:
Centaur's Grove, Yuirwood

Completed with Blythe and Mele:
Medusa's Castle

Completed with Rina, Blythe and Nemay:

Completed with Merriman:
Orc Village

Completed with Blythe, Betandor and Dalvyn:
Waterdeep Fair

Completed with Blythe and Dalvyn:
UMs1: Apprentices' Hideout

Completed with Tandria and Blythe:
Spiderhaunt woods

Completed with Betandor:
Temple of Waterdeep

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