Online Help

Auto Logging

How To - Setup Auto Logging in Zmud by Raona

These instructions will make it so that any time you log on to a given
character in ZMUD, a log of your adventures is created. Because at times you
will lose link and have to reconnect, these instructions make this log
cumulative but you need to remember to delete it or archive it from time to
time, or it will grow ginormous.

1. Start up ZMUD
2. Click on the icon for FK, once
3. Click on the Offline icon on the toolbar
4. Click on the Triggers button on the toolbar.
5. Change the Class to Autolog
6. Click on the entry that currently ends in "- autolog" and cut that text
out from its Value: window. (You may have to move the panel divider to
see it - ZMUD does strange things with window sizing on larger screens!)
7. Click on the New button
8. In the Pattern: box, enter "You have chosen to play XXXXX." where XXXXX is
your character's name, properly capitalized.
9. In the Value: box, enter "#LO XXXXX - autolog", where XXXXX is the filename
(and subdirectory from your ZMUD home directory, if wish) that you want to save a
logfile to.
10. On the Options tab, click Case Sensitive, Verbatim, and Trigger on Trigger. Uncheck
the other two boxes, if they are checked. On the right, check ONLY Trigger on Prompt.
11. Click the Save button.
12. Select File>Close window
13. Double-click your icon and verify that it works!

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Notes on Auto Logging ZMud
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