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There are bank branches in all the major cities of the kingdoms.
There are three commands that can be used in the bank:

Syntax: deposit amount
Syntax: withdraw amount
Syntax: balance

There is a cap on how much can be stored in a bank. This cap
is currently set at 2000 platinum.

Banks keep your gold safe from theft and will keep it for you
even if you die. In return for their services, they charge a
5% fee taken upon deposit, rounded up to the nearest copper. No fee is
charged for withdrawals.

Bankers can change coins into larger or smaller denominations,
and will do so at no charge. In order to avail yourself of this
service, give the banker the indicated quantity of coins, to receive
back the coin(s) indicated in the table below:
5000 copper, 500 silver, 100 electrum, or 50 gold -> 10 platinum
2500 copper, 250 silver, 50 electrum, or 25 gold -> 5 platinum
1000 copper, 100 silver, 20 electrum, or 10 gold -> 2 platinum
500 copper, 50 silver, 10 electrum, or 1 platinum -> 5 gold
100 copper, 2 electrum, or 1 gold -> 10 silver
1 electrum coin -> 5 silver coins
1 silver coin -> 10 copper coins

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