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Syntax: bash [target] 

Bash has the potential to damage and temporarily daze yourself and/or your
opponent for approximately two rounds. While dazed, one cannot heal, flee, or
perform other extraneous combat actions (i.e., that individual will be able
to dodge/parry/attack but nothing else). These same consequences are
inflicted on your opponent if it is a player character, otherwise the skill
only inflicts damage. A shield is required for the bash skill to work, unless
mounted, in which case the
trample feat is required.

Note that bash has a drastically reduced chance of hitting if the basher is
not one of the primary combatants (i.e. is not tanking).

* Tower shields and bucklers can not be used to bash

* Each bash attempt provokes an attack of opportunity, unless one has taken
improved bash feat.

* As with all combat skills, using this replaces the normal round of attacks
you would otherwise automatically perform.

Related topics...

Attacks of Opportunity Fighter Skills Improved Bash Feat
Paladin Skills Ranger skills Shields
Trample Feat
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