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Black Fingers - Beshaba

The Black Fingers are an elite group of assassins comprised only of males 
from Beshaba's clergy. These assassins are employed by the Church of the
Maiden of Doom to carry out her dogma of spreading Misfortune to those
considered especially fortunate in their lives. Members of this group do
not apply, but are chosen directly by the Maiden's Will, and are not
restricted by profession, age, or wealth; only skill and true devotion can
garner entry into this highly secretive order.

To learn more information about this order, try to meet and speak ICly with
a follower of that deity. You cannot roleplay being part of such an order
without the concerned deity's agreement.

For entry into this order, exceptions to the canon guidelines can be made for
exceptional roleplay.

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Beshaba Deity Orders
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