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The looming black walls of Bezantur are crammed full of Artisans, merchants,
priests, and gladiators that live within the commercial centre of the east.
Thay supplies grain to all the old empires and all this trade flows through
Thay's main port, Bezantur. The City of a Thousand Temples is built on the
south coast, in the shadow of the tharch of Tyraturos upon the Thayvian
plateau. Bezantur is technically part of the tharch of Priador, whose
Tharchion is also the Zulkir of Evocation (rumoured to be exceedingly cruel
and evil.) His word is law here, ruling this city with his great legion,
numbering over five thousand soldiers, and whose ranks climb from mere orcs
and gnolls to powerful Red Wizards. For those of proper noble birth, the
wealth pouring in here is unimaginable, while for those of less fortunate
station there is far less luxury - living in squalor or slave pens.

Area built by Algon and Nearraba. Started by Jzexleth and Solaghar.

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Major Cities and Towns Thay
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