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Blobdlipbop Harbor

Blobdlipbop Harbor is a small settlement on the eastern shores of the
Darklake, located in the Northdark. Inhabited for the most part by Kuo-toa, a
smattering of Drow, Svirfneblin, Duergar and other denizens of the Underdark
make their way here. Though the area is poor and has little to trade, there
is a bustling shipping port there, moving goods for more affluent
communities. The population is currently less than one-hundred. A few shops
are available to supply travellers, while a temple to the Kuo-toa goddess
Blibdoolpoolp is the largest permanent structure in the settlement. Darklake,
considered by some to be a safer passage than braving the wilds of the
Underdark itself, is plied by a ferry service based here. Quaggoth guardsmen
and strong gates ensure that the settlement is able to be defended, while
employment, for the most part, is connected to the shipping trade.

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