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Environment of Ched Nasad

Set in a mile-high cavern in the middle reaches of the Underdark, Ched Nasad
is easily the most wonderous of the Drow cities in terms of architecture. The
entire city is evidence of the divine guidance of Lloth and as such, tends to
be far more grandiose than many other Drow cities where practicalities tend to
limit construction. When the refugee Drow led by House Nasadra came upon the
grotto, a veritable forest of life in Underdark terms, with cool running water
and vast fungus forests clinging to the walls, they knew they had not been
foolish to place their trust for so long in the wisdom of Lloth.

The avatar of the blessed Spider Queen leapt across the walls, spinning her
vast shimmering web between the walls of the cavern, drawing strands of silk
the width of streets in the great chasm. When she was complete, a great fire
overtook the strands and consumed them. When it eventually died down, the one
silk-strands had become calcified, as hard as stone, and now glowed with a
soft radiance of faerie fire.

The dwellings and fortresses of Ched Nasad are mostly created of the web-like
structure of the city itself, appearing as great clusters of eggs in a coccoon.
Other buildings are carved into the side of the chasm itself, or most rarely,
built like normal structures on top of the calcified webbing itself. The lower
levels of the city are reserved for the slaves and lower classes, while social
status rises the higher one goes in the city, until one reaches the pinnacle of
the city, where the vast Temple of Lloth is located, along with the House
Nasadra compound and the city's more exclusive and expensive shoppes.

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