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Conjure Greater Elemental

Conjuration (Summmoning)
Range: Close
Target: Ignored
Syntax: cast 'conjure greater elemental' <fire/air/earth/water>

This allows a priest of nature to be able to call upon an elemental servant.
The elemental servant will fight for you. They will return to their own
plane after a period of time. The type of elemental you can summon depends
on the type of terrain or other conditions:

Air: You must have unobstructed access to a vast, open quantity of fresh air
Earth: Requires easy access to huge amounts of dirt, rock, sand, or soil
Fire: You must have a fire in the room you are in, or be surrounded by fire
Water: Requires proximity to massive amounts of water - a lake, river, or ocean
If cast elsewhere, this spell will fail (returning the spell syntax).

NOTE: Clerics who get this spell as a domain spell should ONLY summon the
proper element as appropriate to their domain:

* If you already have two minions, you must dismiss one of them before
casting this spell, or it will fail (returning the syntax for the spell).

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