Online Help


Syntax: construct armor <location> <material> [armortype] [size] [masterwork]
Syntax: construct weapon <weapontype> <material> [size] [masterwork]
Syntax: construct arrowhead <raw material>
Syntax: construct bullet <raw material>
<Currently disabled> Syntax: construct barding <location> <material> [armortype]
Syntax: construct jewellery <ring|earrings|bracelet|necklace|tiara|torque...
...circlet|buckle|nose ring|anklet|armlet> <material> [gem]

Arrowheads are used with the fletch command to make arrows and bolts.

* Over time, an increasing number of trades will convert to the new
craft system. At present, armoursmithing and weaponsmithing are being
piloted with that system. Please see the
craft process helpfile for

The materials used for
construct can be on the floor of the room you are
in. To specify them, you may want to use several keywords, grouped in quotes.
For example:
construct armour body 'low ingot iron' 'splint mail'

For more detailed information, please see the helpfile relating to the specific
item you hope to construct:

Related topics...

Armoursmithing Barding Craft
Craft Process Fletching Lapidary
Masterwork Items Mending Tailor
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