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Containers are almost a necessity in the Kingdoms.  They are used to carry 
items, food, and drinks. They help allow you to sort things, by using two
or more types of containers at once. Corpses use many of the same commands
as regular containers.

EXAM <container> or LOOK IN <container> allows you to see what it contains.

GET <item> <container> allows you to take one item from a container.
GET ALL <container> allows you to take everything from a container at once.
GET ALL.<item> <container> allows you to take all of a particular item type

PUT <item> <container> puts an item inside a container.
PUT ALL <container> will put as much of your inventory in the container as
possible, until the container is full.
PUT ALL.<item> <container> will put as much of one type of item into the
container as possible, until the container is full.
EMPTY <container> will pour all of the contents onto the ground.
EMPTY <container> <different container> will transfer the contents.

FILL <container> will take as much of the items off of the ground as possible,
and put them into the container until it is full.
FILL <container> <item> can be used when there are multiple types of items on
the ground and you only wish to fill your container with one type of item, rather
than everything that is on the ground.

Make sure that when you put something in a container it is in character
to do so. For instance, storing a large item of armour in a money purse is
poor roleplay and could result in your character losing experience.

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Empty Fill Summary of Commands
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