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Charm Animal

Enchantment (Charm)
Range: Close
Target: Noncombat
Syntax: cast 'charm animal'

The charm spell, if successful, will place the victim (only mobs)
under your control for a short duration. While under your control
the creature is your friend, and may assist you in combat and other
more minor duties. Use the 'order' command to give them orders.
Charm Animal only works on creatures from the animal kingdom.

NOTE: This spell/skill is logged because it is subject to abuse. If you
are using the skill/spell to gain too many items you will lose the skill.
Please show some responsibility when using this skill/spell. It is also
expected that you roleplay its usage. Using it over and over and over
again is considered to be extremely poor roleplay. Use of the spell to
abuse areas or bypass restrictions on areas such as guilds, temples etc.
can be subject to both IC and OOC punishments.

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