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Damithir T'Shara, Paladin of Tyr

Damithir T'shara was born in Phlan, to parents who had accepted the precepts 
of Law and Justice. Her father a Paladin of the order of The Hammers of
Grimjaws was killed defending a small city in an Orc raid, and her mother, a
Just Healer carried on her teaching of Tyr's law in the temples. Young
Damithir grew strong in the faith of Tyr in part from these long years under
the rules of Justice. After some long years of testing in the temples of Tyr,
Damithir's faith was proven to be strong and unwavering. She became a paladin
of Tyr, following in the path of Justice shown by her parents. Damithir died
an ignoble death at the hand of orcs. She rode into battle stark naked, in a
fit of delusion, after giving away all her armour to former comrads. To this
day her head floats around on a stick somewhere.

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